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Everything posted by righthandedlefty

  1. heres a cookie... ..adam..
  2. I got a text like 2 hours ago from my liftie friend saying that it was dead and the conditions are insane*sarcasm* and that there will be nomore snowblown this season. ..adam..
  3. I dunno man. The way the ski patrol have been acting when asked if bear will blow snow anymore you would think its a crime to blow snow. I think we will see @least 1 night of blowing,but I think thats all. Its sad to say but Its looking true. This amazing weather has really taken a toll on the slopes,sadly. ..adam..
  4. Yeah,it looks like after tomorrow night(tues) the low @ night will be below 35 all the way through next tues. I'd love to see them blow snow @least one more time. Although I've heard talks that they will only blow on night if they do.... I went up today to ride for a lil while before class w/ my girl and we did one run and gave up. The "snow" was ubber slow and pretty slushy/watery so we just hung out w/ quad lifties till 4 then went to class. ...adam...
  5. Like he said,it was around 30 feet from where he was to the ground. I know the quad operators and other employees that came to help him were mad,they were trying to make a big enough padded area for him so he wouldnt get hurt and he just dropped,didnt tell them. Oh well....Im still yet to figure out how this even happened...... ..adam..
  6. sadly after looking @ this info- http://www.weather.com/weather/monthly/USP...pnav_undeclared , I suddenly feel sick and almost want to go throw up. This weather is a sin ...adam...
  7. Hey man. I was waiting in line when it all happened. My girl was working the Quad @ the time it happened. Noone other then the kids he was on the chair with know what happened for him to end up hanging from the lift. All my girl knew is that when they got to him he was hanging from the SAFTEY BAR. How that happened/wtf he was doing we've got the least of ideas. They pulled some pads off the lift towers and light poles and he jumped down without injury and walked away,he walked by me on his way down and seemed fine. Not sure if he went and got checked out just in case or anything but from what I last heard he was fine. ...adam...
  8. Hey capita, Yeah you'll be fine useing that pass. My girlfriend had a bad fall there back in the begining of feb and the ski patrol gave us 2 vouchers for a 2 free passes to use once she got better seeing that we had only been there for 20 minns and it was only our 2nd run of the night,it was bad,we didnt get out of the ER till 2am,but shes fine now. We've used the passes and had no problems with them. Good luck man and be careful!
  9. I was up on sunday,got there around 9:45 and the main lot @ the bottom was already full. I didnt think the lines were too bed seeing that it was such a busy holiday weekend. I think we waited 10 minns for our tickets and the longest lift line I stood in was 5 minns tops. There were a hella lot of cars/people there but it seemed that once we got off the lift @ drifter the slope was empty.as were the trails between drifter and timberline. I loved it. I think most of the kids were in ski school since It seemed like there were 1,000 kids taking lessons. I went up afain all day yesterday and was shocked when I saw how many KIDS(under 16) had ditched school and were there w/ their parents. Whats this world comming to? lol. I heard yall had like 7,000 people on sunday and something like 5,100+ on monday? INSANE! Keep up the good work!
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