well on sunny days the park is nice and super soft landings, the middle wedge in the 3 lip table is usually in great condition with a pretty nice landing. I think the lenght of the table is around 30-35 feet. There also 2 more small tables which are pretty pointless. For rails there is a Battle ship which is about 5x5x5, than right after than you can hit with a shotgun rainbow (maybe 15 feet) or a (15-20) box which is around 2 feet wide, at the end there is a flat rail around 3 inches wide that is around the same length as the box, the rope toe is great when its running (10 till 10 on weekends, 4 till 10 on weekdays) all the rails are rather easy and ride on but are fun to learn some new tricks on, i ride elk everyday and with the small park manages to push out some really good riders... watch my video to see all the rails that are currently set up...