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Everything posted by DatKid

  1. Thanks awesome update!
  2. Screw the pipe and that original wall ride! If ne thing make the area a rail garden then more jumps can be put in the actual parks! Although there should be some major thought about the "family park" 2 rails doesn't in no means count as a park in my book. That park is never touched by park crew and the rails could be made longer and wider to make the learning experiences that much easier. I suggest maybe a 2' by 20' box that is only a foot off the ground. And how are instructors suppose to teach park lessons if they don't have the facilities to do so? Lets go Mark, things need to change just like the management this year. To many things have been overlooked, due to the addition of the hotel. What ever happened to the improvement of the park? Oh and i applaud the new and improved park crew, there making the park a better place!
  3. Come on someone out there has to know what it looks like!
  4. I'm coming up on Monday MLK day an was wondering what should i be expecting the park to look like. Hopefully someone who rides there daily or has an "in" with the park crew could enlighten us. Oh another question is it mostly urban setup or lip-to-jibb setup? Thanks P.S. Just put what they got up. I and others probable don't want to here senseless arguing.
  5. I'd like to see a quarter pipe with something to slide along the top (mailbox e.g.). Oh and i was talking with some of my friends who work there and we kinda were thinking that before the pipe is even cut it should be blown shut!! And bear should be blowing more during the day (on days it is cold) but otherwise park crew is doing an awesome job!!! Keep up the good work!
  6. Yeah i stand corrected! But it isn't hard considering the mt. is wired up for power and other utilities. But regardless there should be cameras on the other side plus there is a family park and timberline is used to race on, so to say there is no activity is really not true.
  7. I was just looking at the mountain via your amazing web cameras but what i failed to see was the other side of the mountain!! Its great and all you have 3 movable cameras and one static one for the (skier) left-side but you kinda fall way short on the (skier) right-side. So i propose you try to add one or two cameras for the right side of the mountain. Plus if parents the ones who drive the kids who spend time in the park to bear but they see the other side of the mountain is nice they'll be more will to come to bear and spend there hard earned green!!!! Oh another very little thing to consider don't get the groomer out two early because in recent years its been putting rocks in the snow which have put nice scratches in my skis, specifically around the lift area. Ok well thanks a lot Mark for all your work and hope to be seeing the right side soon!!!!!!
  8. DatKid


    Need i say more check the vid!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEmDGGffHlU
  9. Yeah foam backing check the vid!
  10. No dude heres the video! But i really don't think they'll do this. I'd rather see them put two or three kickers into the ponds. But either way thats what i would call summer fun!!
  11. Hey umm i'm having a little trouble looking at the mt. it looks like the bowl protecting the webcams are dirty? Just a little FYI
  12. DatKid


    Hey Mark is there a chance that bear will be able to open for say monday? I know opening for the weekend is out of the question due to the rain that is coming. So Mark what will happen?
  13. Stevo not to call you out or anything but if you don't know who Andy Lenart is then you don't know much about BC's park and any way you look at it Park Logic is a company! A company is defined as a group of persons! Look at this Dictionary! i second that nick!!!
  14. True but its just i hate having to hear blue mt. this blue mt. that just say that stuff on blue's forum. We may buy or copy from other mt.s but its still made by BC! But yeah i see your point.
  15. Actually its not just about the "boarders" its because in Pa you can draw in more people (IE teens and adults) if you have a terrian park. The parks offer many different "experiences" in the limited space that a Pa "ski" area has. So the park isn't just for boarders and skiers but to make more money! Oh an people come on if you can't make your own jibbs an you call on a company (IE Park Logic) to make them then thats sad. So i guess thats one more reson to ski BC because all our jibbs are made by the BC park crew!! Andy Lenart is to Park building/design as Pele was to soccer!!! Blue Mt. people go type on your own forum!! If your here to trash us then go to your own forum so then we don't have to read it!
  16. Ok guys get real blue is a great mt. don't get me wrong it has awesome vert., nice long trails and pretty good food. BUT when you have a mt. that is mostly switch-backs and steep, its a poor place to have a park made. Blue should really turn Paradise into a park cuz its pretty long with an ok pitch to it an its not jam packed with switch-backs. To me having to go mach-3 to clear a jump then have to throw on the brakes just to turn in time for a switch-back is stupid. Plus having the slope with a constant steep pitch, an no mellow areas is dangerous. An the rails are weird, who/why would you make a rail/box out of square tubing? (rhetorical question) Oh and blue needs to get some kids who actually know how to hand groom jumps not 14 an 15 year old kids. I was just up tonight an there where 4 or 5 kids grooming an only one was older then 17. You guys should have a butt load to groom 2 rails an a freakin jump. Blue gives BC a run for the money but when you want to ride park come to BC, an when you want to have long (PA) slopes go to Blue. Disclaimer:Oh an people don't think i'm a hater or anything its just i have an opinion that you may agree with or disagree with, thats cool. Just don't be stupid an start name calling.
  17. DatKid


    Hey Mark i think all of use locals near and far would like to know what are the future plans for BC this holiday season? Will we be open, how much snow, what trails, snow-blowing, ect...... So Mark please enlighten us BC-Mark! P.S. Try not to be vague about the details.
  18. Wow guys calm down the longer we wait the more snow there is that will cover the rocks. An frankly i'd rather wait an extra week then spend money on p-texing the bottom of my skis. An its not a DC staircase its a "BC" staircase!!! Only a few more days just stay calm and relax it will be here soon enough!
  19. Thanks Mary for finally clearing up all the rumors and such!!!! An hats off to all those who will have to make snow while all of us sleep!
  20. A friend of mine who had a meeting thing up there today was told that bear only will have about 6 hours of blowing temps. for the whole week and thats only enough time to test the system. So i think the best guess for opening is the 16th. But the only way for all of us to really know is to have the Glorious Mark answer the big question. So mark when are we projected to open (earliest to latest date)?
  21. I know everyone is thinking of perfect rails, jumps, and setups but what should be done first this summer is to convex the park trails a bit. Convexing ( Having a surface or boundary that curves or bulges outward, as the exterior of a sphere) the trails would help early in the season and late when the snow is melting a bit. And may be the addition of gutters on each side of the trail. I know each year when the snow starts to melt it runs right thru the middle hit in the big park, puts a slush coat skiers left next to the start of the half pipe, or after middle hit in the big park. It probably would also help replenish the ponds!! I know this is some thing minor that could extend the season for the park to say open that much longer. ALL IN FAVOR SAY "AYE". But this year the park was great Love the rails and the massive jumps keep up the great work PC my beanie goes of to you!!!!!!
  22. I know with it being a busy weekend and all, loads of people come. I know i hate to stand in lift lines myself. I purpose that the quad run as normal but the double (A chair) run as an expert only chair! Having the double as an expert chair means you guys could turn the speed up. I know in past years you've done it. This would be very helpful for people who know how to get on and off a lift with out it being pack with newbies. The second thing is post the singles, doubles, ect. signs higher so more people can see it. Final is make the people who get in the wrong line for the quad take the walk of shame. I know some may say they didn't know but that should only work five or six times. Thanks Mark for your help and its nice to see that your out on the lifts, as Courtesy Patrol, and the list goes on. Your work is truly appreciated here at Bear Creek!
  23. Not trying to suggest anything with the drawing just bored in math class!! Hey i think i work wit u, ur park crew and instructor?
  24. Well to start off i made this drawing in my math class while dreaming of the future superpipe!!! Click_Me Then i was thinking if u put the pipe high on the hill (where Cascade is). Then the pipe would get protected by the trees from the sun which makes the pipe slushy in the day, and icy at night. But would also protect it from days when it gets windy out which push u around in the air and also makes it hard when blowing snow. If u guys don't like the ideas maybe u'll like the drawing!
  25. Dear beachiegirl2ski, I'm a ski instructor at Bear that would like to help u out. There r some great options u have to consider. A) Drive 30 to 45 minutes on top of a long trip (to and from) to save money on a Park lesson but really that saved money goes to ur gas price. B ) Get a lesson from Bear were there are many instructors that can an will teach ur son. C) Ask someone in the park to teach ur son. Such as one of the Park Crew (Tyler Boyer) he recently told in an interview, "Everyone is going to have the opportunity to improve. Don't be afraid to ask for pointers, I for one would love to hang out and teach the younger guys some new stuff. Being friendly and courteous is how all park users will be on the same page--giving the park crew a better idea of what you guys want to see in the park." Now that u have some facts u could make a good decision. If u want a lesson at Bear i would go on Fri. thru Sun. that is when many of the able body park instructors work. My name is Austin and would be more than will to teach him on (Papasteeze) "The most progressive mountain in our region." !! I'm not trying to mountain bash or say what age group is better at skiing than others just help someone in the right direction.
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