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Everything posted by jveix33

  1. Anyone figure out if you get a better discount for like 5+? Maybe we can get like 10 or so people and get something good.
  2. What size?
  3. I think I'm getting the 2+ with my friend unlimited youth for what $275 so that's good enough for me.
  4. stupid and horrible. That's sucky way to go man. Cause like you see it coming and can't do anything about it. nvm.
  5. Hahah I have that whole scene in my head man. Sounds like fun, wish I coulda made it out.
  6. Awesome :rock
  7. That would be some extreme sledding. So that's it for Bear now? There not even gonna try and stay another week? They couldn't just open up like the park or something, plow some snow around and have park only for another week. Man I'm mad disappointed this year, seems like us skiiers and boarders got a sh**ty year. Hope for the best next year though.
  8. There's a ton of bacteria in a ton of places people don't know about. It's interesting if you look that stuff up. So to get the "ice rink snow" you just like pull up to an ice rink and are like, heyyy pal were taking your snow, and start shoveling? I've got like two rinks that are near me, but their like 25 min away. Think it will melt in that time?
  9. Isn't plexiglass an option?
  10. jveix33

    PASR day!

    Sure you guys could come, but I gotta build some rails first. lol. I'll figure that all out later. So what mountains are we looking at that are still open, just blue?
  11. I think your talking about plexiglass. Parkbuilder or someone should get back to you. I'm not really knowledgeable in this area. If no one gets back to you, just pm parkbuilder and he'll tell you what you gotta do.
  12. Glad to hear you had a great time man. I had a good time reading your post.
  13. jveix33

    PASR day!

    sorry I couldn't make it guys. Hopefully that's not it for the season. anyways i'm setting up that rail in my backyard. rail jam this summer? hopefully :rock
  14. jveix33


    That's good news. I was getting mad sad about not being able to ski again. I'm working on one of those carpet rails with my friends. Should be mad cool.
  15. I don't have jazz band I might be able to make it, not sure yet. I might be spending time with my girl or something not sure yet. I'm pretty sure I'm getting up there sometime this weekend. Any boarders going friday night? I'm bringing my friend who's not amazing and maybe he could learn something.
  16. That looks mad umcomfortable being stuck in there for an hour. That sucks, glad it wasn't me haha.
  17. My brother's into photography like jib and empt. He took a bunch of classes, I'd show you some of his pictures, but I'd have to look a bit, and I'm a bit lazy haha. The pic that is madresized smaller as my avatar he took at the pittsburgh parade for the superbowl. It doesn't do his work justice though. as jib says "Yay photography!"
  18. That is a good idea. My friends dad builds homes too, what luck :rock Perhaps I'll head down to one of his jobsites sometime and help myself to the uh dumpsters.
  19. Alright thanks, so like the way the carpet is angled you mean? The way the material faces and sucH?
  20. That's mad awesome. Reminds of those lamp things at like Spencer's wear you touch it and the electricity moves to that spot. I went to hooters once with my friend. His brother drove us. We walked in and like everyone turned around because we were like 12. It wasn't that great, and the wings were cold!!
  21. Very gay. I just told my mom she won't notice it, which she will. Once I get the supplies I'm good to go. I'm gonna need a start ramp because I don't have a good slop to my yard, so that's going to up the price. How much carpet do you think I'll need for a star ramp and a nice rail? About 50 sq. yards maybe?
  22. jveix33

    Open In april

    haha yeah that's a funny picture. This weather sucks, I hope it changes so bear can try and stay open. I need to get up there at least one more time before the season ends.
  23. Yeah that would be wierd to have to watch that later. That's good that he's fine. I'll have to tell my friend about this. He seems to think that falling from a lift is instant death, I said it's more likely to get a broken leg or two broken legs. He disagrees. At least I can tell him this story and I can be right. Glad that kid's okay though.
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