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Everything posted by jveix33

  1. Yeah my goal right now is saving for the rail and carpet for my backyard and the maximum amount of time I can stay at COC and then lastly saving for Bear Creek season pass. It's a good thing I've got a decent paying job, and I don't have to worry about gas money.
  2. So the quarter pipe is in the middle park with the jumps? Nvm. I see it yeah because that picnic table is there. That's a pretty big depth though. How late is boulder staying open?
  3. I'm guessing shadow had a bad accident?
  4. That's a great pic. What kind of camera do you have?
  5. I'm saving for next year. Couldn't get nearly enough for the flight and camp.
  6. haha. You'll probably be back in time. Bear's rumored to try and go for April. Probably only the Big Hit Park and Cascade.
  7. Yeah you actually have to like try and fall off a lift to make it happen. Especially if you've got the saftey bar down. He must have been trying to be cool or something who knows.
  8. I try boxes first then progress onto rails like VTMark said. If you can't do rails yet boxes are way easier and you'll be more likely to try stuff.
  9. What's pond skimming?
  10. Well said theprogram. I like that "sipping on haterade" That was mad cool.
  11. haha
  12. Okemo's where I learned to ski. :rock
  13. jveix33


    I won't be able to make it up. I'm sick. Maybe this weekend I'll be up, probably sunday and saturday.
  14. I don't know who is, but he sounds like a decent guy so what they heck I third that motion.
  15. Pretty decent rhymes. My friend can rap battle like no other. You guys should battle it out on the quad lift.
  16. Excellent edit.
  17. jveix33


    That's my hope.
  18. jveix33


    I'm not sure if there are any moguls at bear, although I know sasquatch has something like moguls, but I don't really go on or have been on it in a while.
  19. jveix33


    Bear's got a nice park. There's a couple good jumps, but the rails are were it's at.
  20. My spanish teacher used to live in Ecuador then Miami. This one day in class everyone was like wtf did you come up here for, Pa is bore city. It was pretty funny. It gave me a good laugh
  21. I agree I wouldn't want to put it in my pocket either, but then again I fall a lot haha. I think that's under accidental damage so they wouldn't replace it, but you never know. Plus you can always tell them it just stopped working.
  22. That's awesome. I seeing before skiing, what an awesome motto I made !
  23. I've heard that although wrist guards protect against broken wrists that absorb some energy and transfer the rest to another spot I think in your hand? I'm not totally positive, but I think they're still better than nothing, a lot better than nothing. They make you feel invincible ! Which can not always be a good thing, but !
  24. My spring break isn't until April =[ Boulder has the triple set right at the bottom of the big park right? I was watching people hit that and that car. It's sick.
  25. Season pass? That's sick! As long as it isn't voided like shadow said your probably good. That's pretty awesome though because they're rumored to stay open until April 15th, so that gives you plenty of time to make up for. Have fun man :rock
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