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Everything posted by @thecreek24/7
thats the best comment on this topic yet, ive talked to several people that are staffed pretty high at BC and with the things i know, im going to keep my silence to, but dont worry BC next year is going to be 10X sicker then this year. Between the park other trails and planning for future expansions and improvements BC is deff going to be closely watched, and other mountains will be looking to BC for advise. and besides why would you wanna know now anyway just let it go and let it be a surprise. and something to keep in mind BC opens in 7 months and 1 week its not so bad.
that is so sick BC we need that set up somewhere please
i would love to see more of everything, and i know they did good this season as for $$$ the big weekends we broke records and the amount of people there was nuts. Its great for the local riders all thats doing if filling the park wallet up so they can do more and more to make it better. BCs park was sick this year so for all them guys in the crew and the groomers awesome Effin job. There might have been 1 or 2 nights when i was unhappy and it was because of the weird weather. Im thinkin about becoming a member of the park crew to see if i can get more ideas out there in setting up the park. well see. Dude i agree with all the commets about these new rails and how they are more just make it to the other side type of deal, but we need to have more then that. I didnt mind those rails, it was fun spinning on them and that dragon rail was fun to do all kinds a crazy stuff like thowing 5s off of it to spinning 5s on it. I think we need to have more of the flat downs, esp the flat down flats. MAKE THEM LONGGGG. these rails are getting popular everywhere. I wouldnt mind seein some of the old school urban rails either. We cant phase them out yet. As for jumps we did good for what we had to work with. Next year with the possible expanded park and adding another pond, would help us to have the most extreme park for the up coming season. This super park stuff needs to get done... all we have to do is step up. It will atract new rides and keep bringing the regulars. The talk about the division of the "super park" and the other park will be a great step in improving our over all happiness while riding. it will eliminate the small kids that dont belong and keep the best riders together. This year kinda started to turn in to a circus. this next part i want to talk about i hope someone from the creek reads this because it was one of the saddest things i have ever seen at the creek. all through the season ive been seeing kids throwing snowballs at people going down the mountain. It was 2 weeks before BC closed and i was coming down on the triple side while teaching my girl how to board and i saw a kid prolly about 14 or 15 chuck a snowball at a lil girl prolly no more then 8 years old and hit her straight in the face. she fell to the ground started crying. If i would have been anywhere near that kid the rest of the night i would have knocked all his teath in. If this was the first time something like this would have happened i wouldnt say anything but its like the 50th time ive seen it this year. Where is ski patrol, that kid should have been off the mountain then and there and told not to come back. that shits not cool and i would have liked to have seen that kid later on that night. bottom line is that some of lil boys that are coming to our mountain on a regular basis think that just because they are there alot they can do that shit. something should be done about it, that contract you sign should say something along the lines of. Throwing any objects off of the lift will result in termination of the ticket or pass. OUr security went to hell this year even as far as boards being stolen. thats more fucked up then everything. something should be done about this and more then just putting 1 or 2 people at the lodge standing around. but other then that crap great season bear cant wait till next year. the count down begins at 7 months and 2 weeks, yea baby.....
well i spent this past weekend traveling to different mountains and i decided bear creeks park is getting sicker everyday and we have some of the best rails hits and features but we are lacking one thing. MUSIC i think it would just top off our park and make the feeling so much better. i know we can get it done there ar speakers on the lift poles and i think music would be sick in the park. The new fad is the ipods or what ever and thats fine but lets lift the vibe in the park with some music. i know i would love it along with all the other park rats. Come on people comment on this if you want to get it done there needs to be some interest and i know other mountains have it so why not incorperate in to our mountain????
420 / butter / whatever the hell you call it box
@thecreek24/7 replied to burton71's topic in Bear Creek
Hell yea dude keep this shit up im pretty sure if we keep seeing new shit like that and other crazy rails bear creek will have the title for the best rails on the east coast haha its sick i love it -
well this whole lift line thing is going to be crazy since winter sports in our area are increasing by huge amounts the only way to correct the lift lines would be a huge lift that took like 20 people at a time per chair up the hill and thats not going to happen. I have actually just put up with the lines for now especialy at the quad. In my opinion mark i think because the creek is largely based off boarding, and parks i think most of the problem would be fixed by either adding a lift just for the park or a surface lift inside the park. If you ever get a chance i would go out on a busy night to the quad and see how many park riders are on the left side of the lift lines. Im sure you are aware of that but that is the problem right there. Our parks are right up there with the best in the region. That attracts more and more rides to come to our mountain. I see it every thursday- sunday, groups of 5 or more riders that i havent seen before in the park. i think its great the bear is doing so well and all we can hope for is good weather and more growth. Up grading the triple might be a possibility. adding another lift on the park side is another. as to the responce about a pass holders parking lot, there are so many pass holders that we couldnt create a parkinglot large enough. looking towards the future for bear it s just going to get more crowded. basically all you can do is keep expanding as far as we can go. the up grades that were talked about earlier on this site were great thoughts and a huge and great start unfortunitatly there is a thing called a budget, and unexpected issues. All you can do at this time is a make decisions based off numbers, and money. i would try to do alot this off season and see what we can get done. next season is going to bring more and more people, and expanding is the only way to help the problem. for a lil side note the beginer park was the an awesome idea and it couldnt have come at a better time. It is a huge hit for lil kids and kids that want to learn how to do things on smaller jibs.
are the things thatim hear right about expanding bear
@thecreek24/7 replied to EAZY-Emuntz's topic in Bear Creek
that would be interesting but when mark said some of the plans for next year he did mention that there would be one entrance to the super park and pipe so if there were to be one entrance it would be very possible for that to happen. If they did put a carpet/ suface lift it would eliminate alot of the traffic at the quad, but if there is going to be a super park and a small park i think it would be a good idea to put just one surface lift in the super park that way the all the park rats stay out of the lift lines. In my opinion i would love to have to ride the quad once all night.. -
Mid-Atlantic Snowboard Series competitions this weekend
@thecreek24/7 replied to BadMrFrosty's topic in Bear Creek
is it worth goin up there?? i havent been up since last year and i was not impressed at all. I have heard they have made some huge improvements, but i cant imagine with the weather that conditions are any better up there then they are here at the creek. I was thinkin about goin up there tonight with a couple of my boys but i havent decided. some one let me know -
i think that word will get out i mean i know were not havin the best season so far but if things turn around and the word gets out that we are stayin open for some spring boardin we should have some kids comin. I just realized being in the park last night that there seemed to be alot of riders. seeing this made me think about how crowded it would be this year if we did it, but on the other hand if we were successful this year with some spring riding next year with improvements the part adding a beginers area and a big hit section with a super pipe new lighting and all the new hits and jibs for next year would be awesome. this year would be alot of fun, and next year would be even more. In all i think it would be a kick ass idea.
my best advice is to check the website tomorrow. My guess would be yes but you never know so just check. depending on the last time you have been there in the big park we got 2 nice hits. in the small park we got a couple of hits with some nice jibs. We got mid atlantics coming up so hopefully they have the best we got out so during the day wensday would prolly be a nice trip. I know ill be there...
i know were having huge promblems with kids in the park that should be there cutting people off. Yea its going to happen but i do remember last year we had big signs, and yellow fences. Where did they go? if we could show that the park is not a play ground by putting them back up maybe the parents with there kids wont go in as much. Even if the things that are happening next year will help change this, we still have a couple months left in this season. Personaly im sick of the groups of 5 to 10, 9 to 12 year olds strollin threw the park droppin F bombs acting like they own the place. Things park wise have changed greatly and i know as well as every other local park guys know this. Late last year and this year have seemed to turn to the point where i dont even want to come out later in the week because of the kids. If the creek puts them fences back up and sign saying "Extreme terrain" or what ever they said the little kids will be struck with some fear. and MAYBE we will lose the parents with their little kids or the groups of kids cutting off the guys that are there everyday. Lets try some thing soon tho its getting bad in the park as for that.....