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About beachiegirl2ski

  • Birthday 04/01/1973

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    K2 ONE LUV '06
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  1. narrow minded idiots!!!!!!! the point was tat BC has done nothing to keep me as a pass holder. It was not my intention to blame BC for a short winter or lack of snow. But throw me a bone to keep me comming back!!!! What is the average IQ here, a half a point above retard?
  2. BC sucks will never ski there again, try to get someone to call you back about issues, wait and wait. It has been 3 months now and noone returned call. I was told they would do something for season pass holders, and they come up with the 65 day soloution? Are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!! I work in AC and can only ski mon and tues, , are there 65 mondays and tuesdays in there season? I thought bear creek was great befoe, but my opinion has drastically changed. What happened to keeping the customer happy? I will gladly comp any staff member at BC for a buffett dinner as long as they spend at least 2000.00 dollars in the casino. What a deal!!!!!!! Ber Creek has lost myself and my family from eber buying a pass there again (total of 5 every year). And the casino industry loves to run trips, I cannot say I would ever recommend BC. Enjoy the great PR work I will do. By the way Mark, thanks for all your help, I am sorry you were of no help.
  3. beachiegirl2ski

    ski expo.

    anyone going to the national ski and snowboard expo this weekend up in plymouth meeting? has anyone gone years before? if so whats it like? http://www.nationalskiexpo.com/html/event_schedual.htm
  4. ive tried calling them but havent gotten an answer back yet.
  5. hi everyone.. hope its a good summer so far for everyone... has anyone heard any news on the racing programs that bear is planning for year? did they pick what days they are planning on doing it or have they found a coach yet?
  6. Due to a combination of high winds and icing, we are unable to operate today. Thanks for joining us this season! no free day at stowe
  7. beachiegirl2ski

    2007 skis

    for those of you who wish to see the 07 skis there are some shown at the skidepot.com http://www.ski-depot.com/miva/merchant.mvc...y_Code=2007skis
  8. is the season over for you doug?
  9. 45th Annual May 1st Fun Slalom 45th Annual May 1st Fun Slalom This event is free with a season pass or lift ticket for the day, just sign up in the K-1 Lodge prior to the event. Everyone who completes the slalom course on Superstar will receive a free lift ticket for next season, some restrictions may apply. The top racers will receive extra prizes from Adidas Eyewear.
  10. hmmmmm
  11. Insider Tip: "We'll drop (ticket prices) 'til you drop"! $42 tomorrow, $35 Tuesday, etc. Next Sunday is "free"--donation to Stowe Eduation Fund appreciated! Some thin or bare spots with the spring temperatures.
  12. are they going to have any snow in may for this?
  13. sorry i dont like younger guys. i liked older and more wiser its the only way to go
  14. are you willing to wax the 4 sets of skis for me?
  15. oh really. hmmm wonder what will it take to persuad you..hehe
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