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Everything posted by beachiegirl2ski

  1. what happened to the file attachment .. now i don't know how to put up picks on here
  2. we stayed at the north troy motel. only 15 mins from the mountain. only $50 for the room for the 3 of us. yes borgata boss went, he was the driver. he worked friday night got off work at 8, got up at 12 and we started our drive at 1230. i fell asleep for about 100 miles of the trip. we all got to bed around 930, my son slept the ride up. Thank God! and yes the lift tickets were $38 for a 2 day ticket, my son was $32. i think post skiing at jay peak is going to look for food. crazy and yes the pizza was crappy. it looks like they can stay open for a while. like i said before we were going to head back up for skiing on wed but looks like rain. i put a statue of blessed mother in the window with a sign on here that says" no rain in Vt this week" maybe that will help. if your not staying at the moutain it is very difficult. but a room at the moutain would have been 150 for just the room. or $99 a personfor the room lift tickets, and food. but we wanted to go cheap to get another week of skiing in
  3. JAY PEAK. was a great trip! we stated on friday night at around 1230. it is a very long drive. we got there at about 9am. that is with only 2 pee breaks. we got booted up and hit the tram right away. it must of just stated running cause the line wasn't that long at all and we were able to get on the next tram that came. what an experience riding that. 60 of your closest friends. and they just keep packing people in. just when you think no one else can fit. you hear make room for 2 more. i'm like wtf. any way good idea to eat a breath mint before you get on there. at the peak there was fresh pow and it was snowing. we were able to touch the clouds and it was hard to see in front of you. down lower on the moutain you could be riding on groomers, death cookies, crud, or ice. it all depends on what trails you are on. conditions are very variable. but it is like winter conditions there. we left there after skiing a good 6 hours and checked in at our hotel. what a joke it turned out to be this little place. there was just enough room for a double bed, twin, TV, and chest of drawers. and that is with only a walk way between. and trying to find a pizza place is crazy there. everyone tells you to goto the gas station. we had to drive like a hour to find the nearest, non gas station pizza place. crazy no fast food places or pizza places near the moutain at all. we all crashed at like 7pm that night. the next we got first tracks on several trail. the tram didn't start running on sunday till like 11. a lot of the trails on sunday were groomed over. not many death cookies at all. there was still fresh snow un-groomed up at the top. there are houses on the side of one trail and sat. i saw a guy walking his dog up the trail. sunday my son was skiing on that trail and a lady was walking 2 dogs and they started chasing my son as he skied by. i would recommend going up there this week. we were actually thinking about heading up there to ski on wed and then maybe going to killington. but it looks like rain up there those 2 days. if anyone does goes stay at the hotel at the base of the mountain, cause there are no hotels around. and take lots of food with you.
  4. just got in from an 8 hour drive home from jays peak. one more week left of skiing for us. we blew the horn at all the skiers on the way home and held up a sing "one more week of skiing". everyone got a kick out of it. well i am tired now.. i will write more tomorrow
  5. i sat here and laughed at everything written. this stuff is so true. tomorrow will be the last trip for me this year. i started skiing out of state(killington) this year and im going to end it skiing out of state(jay peak)
  6. my brother, (borgata boss) wants to go skiing tomorrow. does anyone wanna ride up with him tonight ? he probably leave around 2am, ski all day tomorrow. he might stay over night or drive back tomorrow night depending on what the conditions are like. he asked me to post this since he is on his way to work now. if your serious pm and ill give you his number to call him. i am not going with him because i dont want to pull my son out of school
  7. does anyone think if any place will still have snow april 12 thru april 16. we are thinking about killington any deals going on at that time anyone knows of?
  8. is that the private mountain?
  9. just my opinion but i think the mountain would see that as loosing money. maybe it should have been worded better. i'm not a park rat, and before coming to this board i knew nothing about park etiqutte. i agree something has to be done. good letter over all
  10. that is so cool.. i think you should have psar day next year. a meet and greet type day. everyone bring something to eat and have barbeque
  11. whats the private ski hill? how do you get an invite?
  12. i just off the phone with them and they said coverage is great!. no need for rock skis... i'm going to believe mum before i believe them
  13. hey mum, thanks for the update. glad things went smooth for you at windham. sucks that the coverage isn't that great there. since i don't have rock skis i guess i'm heading there for free skiing this week.
  14. does anyone know what the conditions are at any of the NY mountains? when was the last time they blew snow or got snow? what the base is? i think we are going to windham on thurs. or is there a mountain that has better snow coverage?
  15. sounds like it was a fun day. did doug ski with a whistle or silly string or anything?
  16. did sexkitten, doug or jeff or anyone else from here do it?
  17. makes you go faster ..... right?
  18. is it not PC to type in all caps?
  19. should have called out and said you were snowed in
  20. i havent seen the weather. is it going to rain this weekend?
  21. why didnt you stay and ski longer?
  22. We want to reach out to season pass holders from other resorts. From now until the end of this season, bring your 05-06 pass to a ticket window at Windham and ski or ride for FREE. Do it every day if you want. Get to know us. You'll appreciate the terrain, the atmosphere, the facilities and the service. We hope to make such an impression that you'll make this your home away from home. Now get out there and tear it up!
  23. he has no hair
  24. if not in the park then where is going to be? are they going to open up for skiing or just for the comp? cause that is my b-day .. would be great to ski on it
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