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Everything posted by beachiegirl2ski

  1. well we are going for 3 days beginning of march.. so we were planning on seeing the ski jump doing the bobsled ride, see the torch, going ice skating, the Olympic museum, a sled ride. all the tourist attractions that we can get in plus skiing
  2. 3 adults and one 9 year old child what was the boring stuff?
  3. I am planning a trip to lake placid going skiing at Whiteface. are there any attrations that is a must to see? any that i shouldnt waste my time doing? any info would be helpfull
  4. have to give that some thought.. he would be doing it on his volkl super sports
  5. this is a lesson for the terrain park? do you have to sign up for the 10 weeks? can you take the class for the day? if so what is the cost? or you do you know of any other mountains that offer lesson just for the terrain park?
  6. he had to make up his mind as to what he wants to do.. ski or snowboard. we cant be packing regular skis, twin tips, and snowboard ever time we go skiing. i think he is going to lean more to skiing .. if he does we will go out and buy another set of twin tips for sure! and i just want to say that everyone on this site has been a big help and welcome me . thanks
  7. to start off we have only been skiing a year. my son at least to me looks like he was born with skis on. last year he skied on fisher rxj. my son went from pizza to having his skis close with in a couple a lessons. he can ski the all the blacks around here with out falling. and he has also skied the blacks up in killington. he is very much in control when he skis. this year he is skiing on the volkl super sport. we did he get a pair of volkl twin tips but he thought he might want to snowboard. so we sold those and leased a board. my son wanted another challenge. so why not let him try the park out. thing is when he got in the park he got scared. would ski up to the top of the jump and stop. he wanted to ski and try and of course i wouldn't let him go in alone for fear of something happening to him and me not being there. there needs to be a park open with small jumps, low rails for kids to learn in and then should have someone in that park full time teaching the kids to call in the drops. and about being heads up when in there. the only way to learn the park is to go and do it. all you guys had to learn somewhere.. some how after reading all the post on here we haven't been in the park at all. i have learned and been made aware of what goes on. new people taking up the sport don't have a clue. and maybe mountains should run videos about all safety, not just in the park but about pizza wedges going down the blacks. some how the moutains need to make new people aware of this stuff just some of my thoughts.. sorry for rambling
  8. i did see a start of a bra tree on the triple lift. i think more people need to sacrifice to make them happy
  9. beachiegirl2ski


    i was skiing tonight and conditions tonight were bad!! big bare spots cover a lot of the blacks. rest of the trails are brown snow. it was very slow snow tonight. if we get hit with a lot of rain i cant see how they are going to be able to stay open. on another note i noticed a lot of people skiing up to the top of the jumps and stopping, standing there and waiting. especially the guy who stood there for 5 mins at the top of the jump to get into the park. no one was able to hit it cause he was just standing there. another son and father ski right by the same jump didn't look up the mountain to see if anyone was coming in. of course there 3 snow boarders who had to slow down and miss the jump cause of them. i'm not a park and pipe skier and i must say that yes i have done those things before with my son. but now after being on this site and reading the posts i have learned so much. i do see the need for something to be done about educating people about proper etiquette in the park.
  10. What is it like up there? im heading up tomorrow night ( 1/2).. just wondering if there are any bare spots on the trails. someone please post the conditions
  11. I just saw on channel 10 news that there are alot of skis and snowboards going missing. They said that at BC this is happening alot! Its the only mountain that they mentioned. They did say that the mountain has increased security. make sure you check or lock your equipment up!!
  12. Thanks guys you have been a big help! One problem is we go up and ski during the week Wed and Thurs. but i will look into getting him a lesson for the park. and hopefully the weather will turn cold so that bear can get the smaller park up. now my son has had a lesson in snowboarding and wants to do that now. he needs to make up his mind on..lol
  13. i have a 9 year who wants to go into the park section. problem is he is scarded to do the jumps and grind the stuff. how does he learn how to do the stuff? hes a great skier very good control. and just started snowboarding lessons. why dont some of you guys who are always complaning take the time to talk to the little kids and explain to them how and what to do in the park. i know my son would listen better coming from someone other then his mom that he just cant ski through and look.
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