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Everything posted by boardsnow

  1. or the stoppers on every ledge...but theres some giant potential out there
  2. i got a cannon mini dv camcorder, so im down for gettin some film in this winter, i wanna film on campus too (im sure youve seen the rails)
  3. actually ive been a member since january, just rare poster, just kinda wanted to throw this topic up here so i can find a few people to shred with this winter
  4. I know there are other Kutztown students out there looking to ride at Bear this year, any interested in possibly getting passes together/riding together, whatever? i gotta warn i dont have transportation on campus tho....
  5. that battle ship set up with the three boxes was sickkkk most fun ive had all year
  6. boardsnow

    rusted edges

    wow good deal, i feared id have an increasing problem. i hope to be able to go home and clean everything up after riding from here on out...but unfortunatly that night it just wasnt an option. thanks a bunch to everyone, i prolly woulda wasted a while tryin to clean em up
  7. boardsnow

    rusted edges

    so a couple weeks ago i went snowboarding and ended up spending the rest of the weekend in the hospital after a gnarly little fall. when i got home my board was still packed in the bag, and my edges were never dried. as you can guess i ended up with a nice little rust problem. im startin to get closer to the day i can hit the slopes again so i decided to clean em up, any suggestions for rust removal?
  8. eh timberline can be fun, but the 20 minutes lift rides for 40 seconds of riding are a pain, if we wanna get technical timberline is freestyle terrain too, but i know what youre sayin, i just dont know if there is any reasonable way to cut down the park crowds on as small a moutain as bear is without drastically increasing the number of hits, which would call for more runs, the popularity parks are now getting is tremendous, everyone who owns a snowboard wants to be a park rat, and alot of skiers are doin it too. i dont blame em cus its alot of fun, but i do miss the days when you could approach stuff at your own leisure without someone right up your rear, and to agree with what the thread was originally about the new stuff should help, i just dont know if itll be enough to handle what i think will be an even busier next couple of years but i guess my veiw should be more people=more revenue=more improvements
  9. i love bear and im really lookin forward to next year with the new parks, but really the only thing that could make bear better for controlling crowds is for god to at least double the verticle of the mountain, hopefully a beginner and intermediate park will help keep people from using the lead ins to rails as ramps, bear is alot of fun but honestly the only reason i ride there over blue is because of prices. maybe next year with alot more area devoted to parks itll help, but my dream is that bear creek turns into a resort like bear mountain and turns the whole mountain into a park. would anyone really miss the thirty second free riding runs?
  10. ah the days bears park was empty haha wow, the park back then was heaven for a beginner i loved the old flat rainbow come to think of it no one has a rainbow RAIL out this year one of the depressing things of the age of the box
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