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Everything posted by insomniac

  1. You dont know that for a FACT. You only listened to mark. And he's always wrong. ALWAYS. And Why would they get rid of the rocks? That was the cliff!
  2. Yes they are. My friend called me up to brag about it. That bastard. He says he was going out to do urban too.
  3. I dont think they're blowing on it. Snow usually drifts there from when they blow on bb trail. and also, the trees arent that big. Like christmas trees.
  4. And yeah, I took that trail all the time last year. Its nothing special. They make it sound alot better than it is. It sucks cause its right under the lift.
  5. Then its gonna be slow as hell. Blown ungroomed snow SUCKS.
  6. I'm pretty sure it was just a joke. It didnt look like he was serious or anything. Just figured I'd make a point.
  7. Hahahahahah. Your probably right. I always have a lighter, just for whatever I may need it for. But I figured I was one of the few.
  8. Thats good they found them. I wonder how they made a fire?
  9. Yeah It looks like plexi-glass. Theres a bunch of stuff you can use. Plexiglass is supposed to crack and bur up though.
  10. Saftey video? Bahahahahahahaha : I love these things. THE FOLLOWING ERROR(S) WERE FOUND You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message Damnit.
  11. Peter Olenick 50-50d the box side at the mammoth rail jam. You gonna slap him, eh? Sorry...
  12. Derrick, I just noticed how many posts you have. Whore.
  13. Look at his signature.
  14. No no, gonne. Jeez.
  15. Damn man, that was fast.
  16. Here you go sir.
  17. Old school 1260s. Someone snatch them up. Id make a post on newschoolers for you, but im busy. maybe in a little.
  18. I havent. Gurp and Nitro have.
  19. They made it out to sound like a Whale box, which is it not. I am very disappointed.
  20. If you put the image url in your address bar it works fine... So HA.
  21. And if your not totally lazy, just put 'http://www.2and2.net/Uploads/Images/bbbox.gif' in the address bar.
  22. Damn invision boards. Just go to the webcam, you'll be able to see it unless its dark. Webcam
  23. Why does it say user posted image? Lets try this... Wait, why can't I attach an image???? Try again... If that doesnt work, just go here. http://www.2and2.net/Uploads/Images/bbbox.gif
  24. What the hell? What is this contraption? Looks pointless... What do you think?
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