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Everything posted by insomniac

  1. Mmmm. Sleet.
  2. Last year they had a shittyyyyy hip thing. They didnt get jumps for awhile. Jibbage is always set up first day.
  3. What about the big air jump? And itd be nice if it had a steep inrun, went to flat for like 20 feet, then jump. Thats how it should be. Theyre just a bitch to hike.
  4. insomniac


    I have one too, and I got another one FREE! beat that.
  5. I dont think razors would be a good terrain park. Paradise would be sweet. Or lazy mile would be alright too.
  6. Its not as much that the trails icy bumpy and curvy as it is how they set up theyre lips. Its horrible.
  7. insomniac

    Ice Carvers

    Hahaha. Yah it'll work. I can always find people. You just gotta give me a good description. Are the skis straight skis?
  8. Not unless they learn how to set their shit up better.
  9. I dont have a car though. If I was just gonna walk, theyd probably follow me.
  10. Hahaha. thats a good idea. Maybe ill do that when im older.
  11. insomniac

    Ice Carvers

    Are you serious? Where do you ski? Blue? If you do, maybe one day, if your skiing there when I am, Ill meet you there. Unless orefeild is anywhere near effort, which i dont think it is.
  12. insomniac

    Ice Carvers

    hahahahaha. Good luck with that.
  13. insomniac

    Ice Carvers

    Nah, no thanks. Sorry. I was just looking for skis there to screw around on and take the bindings off if i needed them. Unless yours are dirt cheap I dont have the money right now. Sorry man
  14. I've been looking for a job. Its kinda hard cause Im only 15 and my parents dont want to drive me places. I'm also not really looking that hard cause I dont want a job during ski season. I think Im gonna sell some stuff.
  15. insomniac

    Ice Carvers

    I went to the salvation army around here to find cheap skis and just take the bindings off as spares incase I ever needed them, but they didnt have any. Nor any irons. I was upset.
  16. My wide angle was 30. And Id rather have a chair than a wide angle. I just dont have any room for it. Or $50. Speaking of money, Does anyone know how to raise $250 dollars by christmas?
  17. insomniac

    new skis

    All bindings fit all boots. Dont worry. Except you get teleboots, which I know you dont have. So yeah, most skis take any bindings, but some dont. (Stupid racing skis), and all boots fit all bindings. And dont worry about if its the same brand or not either.
  18. Yeah on Day 1 last year I left school early and skied all day until closing. It was nice.
  19. insomniac

    new skis

    Im 6' and 170lbs and I skied 168s last year. I have 177's for this year, and they seem kinda short. I need longer ones. But I think longer length is just a park thing. Sorry i cant really help you out unless you want twins. Which, isnt a bad idea. Even if you dont hit up the park, skiing switch is like a whole other aspect to skiing. Its fun.
  20. I still had enough snow to slide again tonight.
  21. What about the twintippers??
  22. For any of you who dont feel like downloading the video, and missed the snow. This is basically what we got... And you can also see me, being steezy.
  23. Ive only skied on that trail once. Its like secluded. Its like skiing on a secret part of the mountain. haha
  24. insomniac

    Ice Carvers

    Get a load of these I am a link!
  25. That would be sooo sketchy. I sure as hell wouldnt hit it.
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