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Everything posted by insomniac

  1. Today, here, not even an inch.
  2. My little video from today First season actually jibbing by the way. I know I look tense.
  3. They both started, but I think theyve stopped till the 8th.
  4. It snowed it snowed it snowed
  5. Im glad I got suspended. I wouldve shot myself if I was stuck in school.
  6. alright thanks. But why wouldnt Boulders work if frosts would? It doesnt make much sense.
  7. Hahahahaha. The pipe 2 years ago was actually pretty good. Not like boulders last year.
  8. Any word of a date?
  9. SNOW! It turned kinda sleety. But SNOW! I woke up at 11, and skied in my backyard! Im so happy.
  10. They'd probably be really good for training you to keep centered.
  11. insomniac


    Shouldn't have quit your job then, eh?
  12. Boulder says they're supposed to start snowmaking again the 8th.
  13. Thats cruel. So so cruel.
  14. Yeah, does anyone know why they got rid of the pipe?
  15. It still doesnt work when I use IE.
  16. What does that haveto do with anything?
  17. Oh man, SNOW! and andrew, no. horrible theory. And derrick, congrats on getting in the 4 bars thing. And andrew, congrats on the 3 bars. even if you all did whore your way there. And, i hope they open soon. But I hope frost and bb open before blue. Cause i really dont have much money for a ticket.
  18. But way way expensive
  19. The side you hit it at was like 20-25 feet from lip to knoll.
  20. Dont forget that one step up they made for the nextXsnow thing. And also, all the boxes they set up for that were kinda wierd. But that setup was perfect.
  21. Yah me and my aunt went past it, and theres snow on homestrech, then shuttle and up mainstreet. Its so nice seeing the snow. I dont know if they were just testing the guns or not. Cause theres not much blown. but it did cover some of the ground. Some mightve melted im sure. And They blew a whole 2 snowtubing lanes, what a waste.
  22. Damnit why havent they turned their lights on yet??
  23. Yeah i emailed them too and asked if they had blown any snow and if any stuck and she said she wasnt even sure if they blew any snow.
  24. Yeah I figured. Do you have any idea why the BB cam doesnt work...
  25. That too. haha. Now the box is all bent from it being set up shitty.
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