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Everything posted by insomniac

  1. Yeah the paint does come off. Its funny to see green and blue streaks on peoples jackets though. haha.
  2. We can only hope.
  3. I was starting to thing we'd never see any snow.
  4. Woop. Finally some snow! I still cant see it though.
  5. Shit when did BB get a cam?? It wont let me veiw it. damnit. You cant see any snow of the JF cam. Damnit why doesnt the BB one work for meeeee
  6. Yeah that box has a major sticky spot right about where he is. Im not sure why though. But he 270'd on, and landed in the sticky spot. Then he caught an edge when he landed and fell. That box is horrible. Plus, it was leaning to the right.
  7. Its 1 am now. and I cant see many snowflakes. But I do see snow being blown. Quite a bit of it too.
  8. Watch out. Sounds like shes gonna pull a fast one and when you wanna go to the mountain, she'll tell you to use the yard.
  9. According to their site, JF and BB are both blowing! And it says they still plan to open the 11th. Check it. BB conditions JF conditions
  10. Nah nah Ill hold it in. Its somewhat dirty. You probably all know what it is.
  11. I was going to write a funny remark here, but I decided not to.
  12. insomniac


    I wax on occasion. But I dont do it regularly like you guys. I probably will this season though. But, I ski off the trail alot, and on random things, so my bases get worked.
  13. insomniac


    Eff my base. I wax for speed.
  14. insomniac


    It's all practice man. Just try it out a few times and you'll get the hang of it.
  15. Haha I wish man.
  16. Stiffer skis are for more experienced more aggressive riders, while soft are for less aggressive riders. Thats for carving. For park, stiffer skis help stability at high speeds, make for somewhat easier landings, easier presses on rails. Softer are a little less stable at high speeds, but you can do butters and presses on the ground with them much easier. Thats skis anyway. Im sure alot of that goes into boarding.
  17. Oh, you mean this box? Haha sorry man
  18. I meant we can only hope we dont get cut off.
  19. We can only hope.
  20. Haha nice.
  21. Dear Craige, Thank you for your message. I will try to answer all your questions to the best of my ability. Jack Frost is scheduled for 12/11/04 and Big Boulder 12/18/04 (weather and condition depending) please continue checking the web site for updated information. Jack Frost will be adding a beginner terrain park on the crossover on Jane's Lane and Big Boulder has addition to its 2 terrain parks by adding new rails and boxes. On our reports Big Boulder is scheduled to have one half pipe and 2 terrain parks. I hope that helps you some and hopefully we can get some snow made so we can open soon. If you would like to contact us by phone our number is 800-468-2442. Thanks again and think snow!!!
  22. I figured it wasnt snow, but I can fantasize....
  23. insomniac


    It might not be bad, but Im just repeating what I was told when I was learning.
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