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Everything posted by insomniac

  1. Also, Check out their webcam. Here... It almost looks like theres a little bit of snow in those groove things.
  2. Jack frost and Big boulder are starting to blow on the 29th or the 30th if all is well. And Boulder plans to open the 18th of December.
  3. insomniac


    I'd post a picture of my set up, but I no longer wax my own skis. I got pissed off one day and threw my iron, and thats pretty much dead now. So now I just have Nitro do all my waxing. He does a good job at it too, haha.
  4. insomniac

    X balance system

    That sounds like just another thing to go with their over priced beast setup, so all those people that thing the more expensive the equipment, the better it is, and the better it will make you. Besides the face I love my boots, I hate nordica. And on another note, That would suck for park too. I think mostly everyone would hate that unless they skied that from day one. And skiing with those would kill the experience.
  5. insomniac


    And every once in a while, put your hand under your board and touch your topsheet. If its warm, take a break.
  6. Why did they put in garages?? They look like they take up like half the store.
  7. insomniac


    He WAS skiing. That bastard.
  8. http://www.hardwireproductions.com/nope.html This makes me wanna ski so bad, and its a snowboard trailor. Its put together rather well. What do you think?
  9. insomniac


    Its really easy. Im too lazy to explain it. Sorry. Wheres derrick?
  10. Say they're for the days that you cant get up to the hills. or for with your friends after the mountains close. Something like that.
  11. I got free redbull and I didnt even enter so HA.
  12. Pvc slides fine, but if you land on it hard, you'll dig in. And also, How does using fittings work? Whenever Ive seen elbows and stuff they always stick out and that would be horrible. And yeah, the paint will just chip off.
  13. So, if they only need to have metal edges, Would I be allowed to get on the lifts with a snowdeck? It has a leash, and metal edges...
  14. Oh, I thought he said they HAD to, not that they did?
  15. Do they have metal edges?
  16. Ahh. Gotcha
  17. Mootz is that Eric with the Pubs right? I think he has publics. But Mootz, your name is Eric right?
  18. I dont think half the tourists even know that Big Boulder Trail has a park. That ones not bad at all compared to tannenbaum.
  19. I'm not exactly sure if they know what newschoolers is? Wait, so are you a skier or a boarder Prince? It sounds like your a skier but it says your a boarder?
  20. Wait, Did you mean to quote me? I'm lost..
  21. Get here from my link on NS?
  22. Andrew says that it'll be JF the 11th.I just assumed thats what brian told him. And Brian was right last year..
  23. I haveto go do pictures with Seth, and they're at 330.
  24. When I said old people I meant OLD people. Like 50+. They're at BB all the time and they ruin everything.
  25. This sucks, I'm gonna miss all or half of the first day skiing probably.
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