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Everything posted by insomniac

  1. I was going to go to that, but I have no ride and I haveto go out to Erie..
  2. I do not understand this racing stuff at all. Screw FIS!
  3. What?.....
  4. Ahhh, I have no clue who that is. Can he slide that whole flat drop down rail? Hehe 420
  5. Ew I just looked at them in my magazine, they're soooo ugly. Holy shit
  6. Yes, you guys were included in my description. The main thing I was going for was, the people that ride there every weekend, the people that know other people, its like a big family. You know, the people from that area, not the tourists. They're chill. Oh and who's Miller?
  7. Derrick why did you bring this back?
  8. w00t! they're also adding a wallride and new rails to JF
  9. : D
  10. Hit me up on AIM and we'll hammer out the details man. Tiwtwwe28064212
  11. It is??? Since when dude? What??
  12. I dont have any of the dazzle.sorry
  13. I have a ski video where they put a helmet cam on a skiers boot, and its so cool. You should watch it. Ready Fire Aim, if you see it in a ski shop, pick it up.
  14. I can see how if electronically set you DIN how it'd be good, but thats just plain lazyness. It'd be really cool if they made headlights or a camera or something in them. That'd be a cool waste of money.
  15. Just to let you guys know, My post was directed as a whole, not to any individual person(s).
  16. Thats what? 50 inches of snow? or something like that.
  17. Isn't that just kind of a useless waste of money?
  18. Electric bindings?? Whaaa....
  19. Oh, and also, you racers and weekend warriors, next time you head into the park, find a jump your fairly comfortabale with, and learn to do a 360. I mean it. And If you can't land it, I'm sure any skier with twins will be more than glad to help you. We're all skiers here.
  20. Hahaha. Good one. But I think the reason most people on here (the skiers that is) don't like BB is cause theres no trials. The only thing worthy of a run is the park. Now, I can almost guarentee (sp?) that most of you skiers on here, when in the park, skip all the rails, (yeah yeah Me too cause I just suck at them) and just straight air and case all the jumps. Now, to really enjoy the park, you haveto learn tricks. Because when you learn some of the basics, they can always be improved, and you can build up on those tricks, until eventually, your throwing smooth cork9 blunts over tables like it aint no 'thang. You and a buddy can feed off each others energy, and learn some new shit. Its really great. But park alone is just boring. When theres no one there to help you out, to congratulate you, no one to even talk to while waiting to drop, its just plain old BORING. But also, plain old skiing alone can be boring too. It's just not the same atmosphere. I don't like it. Now, not all of us freeskiers and boarders are park rats. I enjoy hitting a jump or a box as much as the next guy, but sometimes you just need to take a break. I have a thirst for speed that the park just can't quench. I love going fast, and I always want to go faster. Now Big Boulder just doesn't have the vert for that. I mean, Andrew (gurpskier) Derrick (nitro_rider) and me can get up to some good speed on Merry widow or Middleweig, But theyre just not long enough. Sometimes we go to blue, but not that often because of the money. But at Blue, we can get good speed and keep it. Whenever we go to blue, we dont stay in the park all the time, we hit up long fun trails like paradise, steep trails like challenge or razors edge, some curvy trails like lazy mile, or also some trail links like a simple easyout-vista-midway-mainstreet-shuttle- to the park or something like that. I love that sequence. Blue has the vert to keep me going nice and fast and getting that rush as you barely pass a little kid by inches. Now all of us "park rats" as you so ignorantly dubbed us, can and DO ski. We can arch turns, stop in a hurry, and maintain our heads in techy lines. If you happen to think we can't ski, we can. Blue has a decent park. Some good rails, and two decent sized jumps. But they're maintained worth shit. The jumps have no lips on them, the rails are all (except a select few) are all ride on with no lip. Their landings are bumpy, as is sidewinder trail at night. The jumps lips get worse and worse with each hit. Sidewinder is super icy at the top due to the wind, and there's just way to many little kids, old men and gapers. (sorry, if you know what that is) Granted, they're is a bunch at BB. (minus the gapers) But they dont hit the jumps and jump off the rail take offs like they do at Blue. The jumps at BB are simply too intimidating. That's one of the reasons blues park is horrible. Oh, and the Wall ride. haha. Unless you get there at 8 am on a weekday. Your not hitting this thing. All the little kids think its great fun to see how close they can ride to that thing. Thus, killing the tranny up to it. Unless you remake one, the transition will murder you. Its like running into a wall. (yes, i know its a wall anyways. You know what I mean) But at Blue, its much more enjoyable. The fries at the top lodge are great, the patrol are nice, the LOCALS are cool, and the park crew are friendly. Much better atmosphere. Although, a select few patrol are at BB are nice, the locals are some of the nicest people you'll meet, the food is okay, and the staff has its highlights, Blue just has a better atmosphere. Hands down. Alright, I know I may have dropped a few names, put some words in some mouths, and completely strayed off topic. But this is whats been on my mind. I havent said it all, so expect to hear more eventually. And I know I haven't said anything about Camelback, I've only been there once and don't know much about it. But nonetheless, I apologize if I have offended, confused, and/or went off about something you haven't said yet. But I think what I said is bound to come up eventually. Oh and I can't spell.
  21. To each his own people.
  22. I've been trying man. Everyone counts BB out right away. Viva La Big Boulder!
  23. You and your 'Verticle feet' Sheesh.
  24. Justin Justin, You gotta remember, theres only like, 4 freeskiers. Me, you, andrew, and ers. Oh theres that linemaverick dude too. But almost everyone else are racers. And also, What the hell is wrong with Big Boulder??? Come on, Somebody, two cents on bb. Come on Justin, What did you think? Besides the judging...
  25. Do you mean the Scratch proteens? Like the shorter ones?
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