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Everything posted by insomniac

  1. insomniac

    4frnt skis?

    There's a snowboard just like them.
  2. insomniac

    4frnt skis?

    They're trouble makers. The green in them changes color too.
  3. Lookin good
  4. That was Andrew
  5. insomniac

    4frnt skis?

    Justin got his up in Vermont at Freds.
  6. Jack Frost conditions werent that bad but for my skis which have 40+ days without a waxing, it was murder. O well i got them waxed now finally.l
  7. insomniac


    I can carve forward? Jeff, Stop. Derrick, you weren't going fast at all, and you were on a flat section. It's different. And skiing switch isn't that hard. But yeah, Carving is hard, and staying in control takes practice.
  8. They're not tight tight, but theyre not 15 foot apart. Its not like they're challenging. Its short. Risk it is another story though.
  9. I don't think they're bringing in enough cash.
  10. I think they race up boulder slope, but mittlweg would be more suiting. I think its Boulder though.
  11. What are you guys talking about? I haven't been to blue all season.
  12. I have wisdoms as well.
  13. I had a fire lens, but got a High Intensity blue because the fire lense is just wayyyyy to dark. I wear contacts under my goggles, and I've never had a problem. I hated wearing glasses under my goggles.
  14. What exactly is NASTAR?
  15. You could always let me borrow your jacket for a second...
  16. I might be heading up to Boulder or frost this saturday. Probably. Anyone besides the usual interested? Glen? Maybe you could hook us up with a ride to boulder in the afternoon? Just post here.
  17. I think its only on like saturdays or something gay like that.
  18. Steven is your little park rider right? (I'm sorry, I'm bad with names...) If so, He most likely would've been stuck in the 15 and under, even though most of the kids are 13-15.
  19. Uh dude... try like, 6 feet off the snow, and like 40 feet long...
  20. Spell Checkerrrrrrr. Even though it wouldn't of caught that... But still.
  21. Yeah East mountain lines aren't bad. Looks like I wont be present on Pasr day... Sorry guys.
  22. Another satisfied customer.
  23. Whoa, I totally thought that said parkING. Wow, I'm losing it.
  24. Boulder is a good bet, because you get two mountains. And its a pretty cheap pass. And Glen, the parking comment was sarcasm I hope?
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