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Everything posted by live2snowboard

  1. its the fact that Bear is always the first one to close. I mean fine Blue i can understand, but Spring Mt.? I mean come on, i just wanna ride, as nice as Bear's park is this season ive made up my mind not to get a season pass next season after this dissappointing season, and im sure while many people on this forum disagree with me, i know plenty of passholders who feel the exact same way.
  2. haha i have nothing but love for bear. im just being realistic about the situation. I mean not alot of the seasonpass holders that i know are happy at all with the way Bear has been these past months. Indeed, i mean i dont know many people who would go all the way down there just because the hotel is nice... The mountain itself has to offer something for it to claimed as one of the biggest resorts in the east coast
  3. i'm definitly there with you, i mean its definitly possible to open tomorrow, bears just gotta commit to it. I mean i know for a fact that most of the kids at my school, myself included who got a season pass this season dont want to get one next season as it is but if bear is gonna continue like this im definitly positive they wont be getting one. I say bear just opens tomorrow for the evening from like 4 till 10 or whatever and just keep blowing till then.
  4. Thursday sounds better, their still blowing, i mean its definitly possible. Even Spring and Blue are opening back up tomorrow. I wanna go riding tomorrow, but id rather use my pass at bear than pay $15 at Spring.
  5. bear creek always seems to disappoint
  6. hey dont get wrong, there were alotta factors that led to bears conditions right now. im not implying that they purposedly screwed themselves over. but you have a point, bear did have an amazing day. and im definitly not saying i, myself, could have done a better job, all im stating is that their probably could have been a way to utilize the snow made to make it a little more sustainable. the reason that they put 13 jibs up, wasnt to satisfy the passholders, bear already knows that all the passholders are gonna come opening day, but it was to attract non-passholders. i mean that might not have been their only focus but definitly one of their main ones.
  7. at this current time theres barely any snow. but its how they used the snow they made. they easily coulda used the snow to keep a more sustained mountain that wuold still be open like spring. im not saying i hate bear or its anyones fault other than the rich bastards at southern management. their focusing more on the earning money part than satisfying the passholder part. i mean you cant relaly blame them. still they need to take into consideration of the beginning of next season when the same passholders are debating to make the same mistake again. perhaps bear will make up for it for the rest of the season. hopefully anyway.
  8. the problem is, bear cant rely on their passholders. they dont see it as any profit. not alotta people have passes to spring, so when they have nights like student night or so, the people that come to spring go because of their location or to just learn and just pay to ride for a bit. they dont relaly mind the shitty conditions, i mean its hella lot closer than bear to most people. but no one other than the passholders would drive all the way down to bear with the shitty conditions other than the passholders. hence no profit for bear, i mean the people that would be willing to drive down to bear without passes are minimal. noone in their right minds without a pass isnt gonna drive that distance and pay for the cost of the lift ticket for the conditions nowadays. if you count the costs of actually opening the mountain for a day(run the lifts, pay the employees, etc) and minus that by the actual people who pay for each lift ticket, the cost of keeping the mountain running would highlu outweigh the actual profit comingin that day. which is why the only people you hear complaining about bear not opening are the passsholders who spent a hefty amount of their teenage wealth into passes.
  9. please make snow wednsday and thursday, PLEASE. And open up on new years eve...
  10. haha yea, kid almost had it but he tried doubling it for some reason, i got it on film. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...eoid=1560562306
  11. i just wanna say props to bear. definitly one of the best sessions ive had, especially for an opening day. i especially loved the cliff drop. me and my buddy dan were disappointed to learn that it was closed but luckily we were able to hop over the net and setup a decent kicker with the help of some other riders, and it was def one of the sickest feautures there. again props to bear for a nice opening day.
  12. me and my buddy dan will be there at around 8 trying to claim first chair. haha see you all up there.
  13. as much as i love bear, i hate that fact that those people are able to ride on the webcam and it looks good enough to open but bear cant open early at least for the season pass holders. well i guess i better be patient.
  14. haha yea Bear Creek is defintly worse when it comes to people who shouldnt be there. I remember this one time this little kid tried hitting the 420 box and he had enough speed to get on it but not enough speed to ride off it so he was stuck, and he didnt even try to bail he just kep jumping forward, took him about 10 minutes for him to finally jump off.
  15. I wish it was on sale earlier =\
  16. I know some of the other resorts allow you to buy season passes early, offering discounts if you buy passes early. When can you start buying season passes for BC, i'd hate to forget and end up buying them last minute for $220 like last season
  17. Me and my friends are planning to head up to Blue this weekend. I'm just wondering how the conditions are and how the terrain park is? What kind of rails are setup and whatnot. And how the snow is, granted it is spring now...
  18. Thanks alot. Hopefully the rain wont make it much worse, I heard its supposed to rain for like 12 hours. Yea ill definitly see you around the park...
  19. Planning to head up over there tomorrow afternoon, hopefully after the rain stops. Anyone mind posting up some conditions about how it is over there. How the rails etc. Appreciate it...
  20. Me and a ton of my friends are planning to hit up Bear Wednsday all day since our school district has an early dismissal. Anyone know if bear is planning to make some snow possibly tonight or tomorrow night. And anyone that was there recently know if there are any new rails up? Thanks...
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