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About Gurp

  • Birthday 01/21/1989

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    169cm K2 Fujatives 175cm Elan MO2 Rails
  • Sport
    Skier & Snowboarder
  • Home Mountain
    Big Boulder

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  • Interests
    Skiing, tramping, Everything else that help skiing, girls, music

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Gurp's Achievements

GS racer

GS racer (5/10)

  1. Omg its so sexy. I cant wait to ride again.
  2. i think someone just got
  3. i be shreddin sat and sunday fo sho
  4. Yea it was probably me. I was there from 5-8. I was riding with my amazing new gf
  5. i should be there this weekend and tuesday next week if anyone wants to meet up
  6. that peice of shit was GAY. If the rail was a bit higher and longer it woulda been sick. First time i hit it i hit the flat and totally gapped the down to flat, the i hit my tips on the roof cause the kink is like 2 inches off the roof and it spun me and i busted my ass. Coulda totally been better
  7. But dont forget that park was pretty much built for the eat coast team challenge and theyre rebuilding the boulder park.
  8. really? When i talked to the park crew guy he said they were against staircases cause theyre useless wastes of space and are only there for looks. maybe they changed their minds.
  9. From what i hear, Nope staircases are so last year.
  10. cross mountain was never really a trail, it was just the area to get to different slopes. And as for risk it goes, I havent seen it open once since ive been riding at jfbb. Thats the only trail ive never ridden there.
  11. staircases are overrated
  12. Welcome man. Im not trashing you but can i ask why u skiboard? i started skiing on skiboards, but i moved up to skis now.
  13. I think u should take a 2nd look at the title of this thread. BB PARK vs. Blues PARK. Umm if u want u can go make another thread titled, BB vert vs. blue vert. Then u can trash boulder all u want.
  14. from what ive been hearing (since ive never been there) that there are MADD bare spots and the possibility of not making it threw next week.
  15. BOulder could make it another 2-3 weeks of warmth and rain if they really had to.
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