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Everything posted by Gurp

  1. Omg its so sexy. I cant wait to ride again.
  2. i think someone just got
  3. i be shreddin sat and sunday fo sho
  4. Yea it was probably me. I was there from 5-8. I was riding with my amazing new gf
  5. i should be there this weekend and tuesday next week if anyone wants to meet up
  6. that peice of shit was GAY. If the rail was a bit higher and longer it woulda been sick. First time i hit it i hit the flat and totally gapped the down to flat, the i hit my tips on the roof cause the kink is like 2 inches off the roof and it spun me and i busted my ass. Coulda totally been better
  7. But dont forget that park was pretty much built for the eat coast team challenge and theyre rebuilding the boulder park.
  8. really? When i talked to the park crew guy he said they were against staircases cause theyre useless wastes of space and are only there for looks. maybe they changed their minds.
  9. From what i hear, Nope staircases are so last year.
  10. cross mountain was never really a trail, it was just the area to get to different slopes. And as for risk it goes, I havent seen it open once since ive been riding at jfbb. Thats the only trail ive never ridden there.
  11. staircases are overrated
  12. Welcome man. Im not trashing you but can i ask why u skiboard? i started skiing on skiboards, but i moved up to skis now.
  13. I think u should take a 2nd look at the title of this thread. BB PARK vs. Blues PARK. Umm if u want u can go make another thread titled, BB vert vs. blue vert. Then u can trash boulder all u want.
  14. from what ive been hearing (since ive never been there) that there are MADD bare spots and the possibility of not making it threw next week.
  15. BOulder could make it another 2-3 weeks of warmth and rain if they really had to.
  16. Oh yeah. AN update on boulders park, last night they started to build boulders 3rd park on the boulder trail. I seen them working on some jump that look absolutely HUGE! im not sure if its finished yet or not. but while blue is struggling with snow issues right now boulders taking advantage of the situation.
  17. im down to be filmed
  18. Blue mountain sounds closer to bull mountain than snow does.
  19. wasnt the name of the mountain in out cold called Snownook?
  20. Yea i agree
  21. What the f*ck are u talking about?
  22. 2,374, counted them myself.
  23. lol sorry had to point out one of your mistakes. I didn't know merry widow was planned out before hand, sorry I know park logic would have been building more rails, but i think those rails wouldn't have been used till next year. Thus what I'm saying is its not affecting you this year. But I'm gonna quit arguing. I guess well have to wait to see how the boulder trail park comes out. And props to bb park crew. I noticed a problem with one of the rails on the widow park and i mentioned it to park crew and the next day it was fixed.
  24. dont make fun of me for my spelling. I dont care about my spelling on a message board. I havent been to jf this year to understand how the rail is set up. My arguement has been mostly about boulder park. Can u please explain why the rail set up sucks? and park logic spent MOST of there time at boulder. So what makes u think jf would be set up right if they were still there? And my question is WHY is it so important if park logic is there or not? the merry widow trail at boulder was built AFTER park logic left and i think the trail is set up JUST as good as if parklogic was still there. I totally respect method. But using a the example of a hemi vs a 4cylinder is totally ignorant. It totally makes boulder park sound like its horrible. I admit boulder made a mistake with getting rid of park logic but i dont think its really gonna affect the pass holder this year.
  25. For one, ur first example with the hemi totally makes u look like a idoit. SO what ur saying is since park logics gone boulders park sucks ass? Cause theres a huge difference between a hemi and a 4 cylinder. If i baught a hemi truck, and it wasnt a hemi but ran just as good as a hemi, i wouldnt bitch, unlike you. but there is not a big difference in the park scene at boulder. The park this year will be just as good as if park logic was still there. JFBBs only problem is future years. which in future years u can take ur pass and go somewhere else. just because 2 people that helped boulder become big are gone doesnt mean everyone else gives up too. just because some people got sour over the park and it mad u upset, u send people to a place with barely any park? im not hating on blue at all but come on, boulder park is the best one the east coast to date. but that all might change. Never know
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