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Everything posted by zzslope

  1. Looks great
  2. Coming down fast in central bucks area. Easy 6 inch plus.
  3. zzslope


    My rides didn't take me near little gap.
  4. zzslope


    Rode Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
  5. Look on the general chat thread. There is a conversation about the upcoming forcast.
  6. The first album was their best.
  7. Definitely say something. You could easily have gotten hurt due to an incompetent, tyrannical lift moron.
  8. Have a good trip.
  9. zzslope


    If the snow is light and fluffy at Blue like it is at my house, today should be a good snow sports day.
  10. Are you sure I didn't ski? Thank you to. Mixilplix and mute for your informative reports.
  11. Most of it
  12. Looking forward to reading the trail reports from today. If what I see on the cameras is any indication, it should be interesting.
  13. That is a precurser to what you will find on the hill, minus the cars. Be careful out there.
  14. Where in the lower lot is the paid parking area?
  15. Had one, didn't work out.
  16. Wow
  17. Pretty cold wind chill today. Skiing was decent this morning except Razors/Razorback. One more warm day I think will do the lower half of widow maker in. Saw these skis leaning on the first aid building.
  18. Look up Deb armstrong on you tube, she has instructional videos for first day to advanced skiers.
  19. I thought lazy, switchback, and challenge were very good this morning. GSS was right about challenge looking bad but being good, weird. Razors was ok as was widow to midway. There were some very sticky spots from a couple of the fan guns. One was on main across from midway. We watched from the lift as people almost faceplanted when they hit it.
  20. Looking forward to pictures.
  21. Get well soon respiratory stuff sucks. The radar I saw this morning showed the Plattikill area getting a foot plus.
  22. Thanks for asking.
  23. As many times as I have talked to people about skiing, I have never been asked if I can do a backflip or a 360.
  24. The lead up to the cattle chutes at the quad was just about to the dirt.
  25. Hit the hill with Hayata this morning. Started on a smooth and nicely edgeable Free Fall, paradise from there down was a little rough, Challange up next, really nice, smooth and grippy ROTD. Scoped Razers from the lift, looked rock solid. Nobody was skiing it so we passed on it. Ran NM/DW which was mostly good, a little rough just above the big curve. Lazy was very nice left and right side. Switchback was great except the sticky spot at the very end leading to a slick boiler plate area on main. The bumps on Main were good with some fresh blown on them, but still some to the turf holes in the middle. Headed back for more challenge which was even better. Tried razors which had softened up beautifully. Great day.
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