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Posts posted by zzslope

  1. When did you start skiing blue?


    I skied Blue about 200 days from 1991-1997 prob 6 days from 1997-2004 when I was in college and lived in Montana and I guess 400 something since I know I deleted stats one year and wasnt on PASR for their second year but still living in PA

    I returned to skiing in 2002 after a 10 year hiatus when we had a large snowfall and I went to camelback to see if I still knew how to ski, I did, and it was all downhill from there. I skied blue two or three times that year. I started skiing blue full time a couple years after that.

  2. Did not ski this AM.  the -16F windchill when I woke up wasn't too appealing.

    I had to go into work to clean snow. It was not as cold as the weather people made it sound. The roads were an absolute mess, that and the piss poor drivers out there would have made my 1 hour plus ride to blue a nightmare.

  3.  Blue's groomers were spot on this morning, especially challenge. Glades were fun, watch for rocks in the one by lazy. The bumps on nightmare and barney's were freshly seeded so they were a little sketchy at first but they improved quickly. By 11:30am some trails got a little skied off but not bad.

      More people on switchback today than I think I have ever seen so I guess that secret is out. Switchback was my last run at 11:30 and there were so many people it looked like lazy mile typically does, had a lot of fun weaving around the other skiers as most were going slow.

      The valley lodge is a busy place now that all the lessons are down there. The lift attendants need to do the organize the lift lines thing earlier on weekends.

  4. My first run was down razors. It had large ice spots on the headwall & the rest of it was lumpy, not bumps/moguls just oddly lumpy. Good snow everywhere else. Be careful in the glade by lazy, there are some exposed, pointy rocks throughout.  Nightmare bumps have improved, barney's was good & it is wide so there are a variety of line choices. Due to the skier/boarder cross race, the hill was divided in two which funneled everyone into a couple of trails at the bottom. The valley parking lot was packed full, but the lift lines did not reflect that. Stopped to talk to the PASERs on my way out of the parking lot and caused a minor traffic jam, whoops.

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  5. Just returned from a day @ blue. To say it was windy would be a gross understatement. On my first run, the wind blowing up challenge stopped me on the headwall with my skis aimed directly down the fall line. I headed over to the main street chair and found that side of the mountain to be less windy. Lazy, switchback, main, barney's, come around to chute, widow maker, vista to midway, all in good shape. Very little in the way of slick spots. The bumps on main & chute were quite good, I spent most of my day in them. The glade by main was crusty dangerous, so that was avoided, didn't try the glade by lazy. Very few customers on the hill, skied directly onto the main street chair every run. On the way up & on the way back, route 946 was hairy in spots due to drifts and short stretches of near white out conditions were the drifts were.

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  6. Some like Matt Edge prefer the upper lot so he can ski chute right away and some with sports care like it so they don't have to drive up that big hill. Different slopes for different folks. Before this season the lower lot was mostly season passholders now not so much as lessons are down there. One nice thing is that they make employees park out in Kansas on the other side of blue mountain drive.

    The lower lot is way busier this year.

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