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Everything posted by zzslope

  1. Are there shuttle busses running from salt lake city to the slopes?
  2. zzslope


    When I got there at noon the rent a cop was turning cars away to the summit. I should have followed your lead and driven past him. Much rather park in the valley, with the lodge open or closed.
  3. Blue sunday, as close to first chair as possible.
  4. They where working on it today while I was there from noon to 3.
  5. zzslope


    Just before noon, I drove over the ridge to find the valley lodge closed and security at the entrance to the valley parking lot turning us back to the summit lodge. Summit lot was pretty full so had to park down at the bottom near the access road to burma. The only lifts running were vista and the six, it made for a long round trip to ski any thing on the little gap side top to bottom, so very few people where over there. Main st. was good, Switchback was really nice, lazy was very cut up, Challenge, razors, and dream weaver were icy when I hit them around 2pm, which was a surprise. Nightmare has new bumps.
  6. Typically I am a blue supporter, IMO they have the best terrain in the poconos. But...to charge more and groom less is wrong. They should groom a few trails for the night crowd. I understand it is a business and as such must turn a profit, but they must balance profiting with a quality customer experience. Squeezing too hard in the name of profit will turn customers away. The faint rumblings of an unhappy customer ground swell can already be heard. Word of mouth can be a businesses best friend or it's worst enemy.
  7. Watch for the eagle carving on the left going toward blue.
  8. The detour does use N.Hokendaqua rd.
  9. Epic crapload of snow, great quote.
  10. Going toward danielsville from klecknersville on 946, take first left after moore elementary school, keep turning/bearing right, comes out on 946 on the danielsville side of the closed bridge, 5 minute detour, tried it today. The roads are small back roads but no too bad. Can do the same thing to the right after the school but it takes longer and a little more involved, tried that way today too.
  11. Gss your post are cool, keep up the good work.
  12. zzslope


    Ride delaware, thanks for the info. I have been thinking of moving to northeastern west virgina. The roads and scenery are second to none for motorcycling, been to seneca rocks area several times on the bike. I was hoping that snowshoe was at least comparable to blue for a home mountain. Any idea what timberline is like?
  13. I stopped just above the midway/main st. intersection at around 10:20am (12-29) for 2 minutes and saw three eggbeaters and one blind side take down by a little kid. It was like watching a live funniest home videos clip. Blue was blowing snow top to bottom on paradise and razors, those two trails should be open soon. That will ease the congestion considerably.
  14. zzslope


    Canaan's trail map looks like it has mostly intermediate and expert trails, but the vertical is 850'. If the trails stay steep to or near the lift, 850' would work. Berkshire east in massachusetts has an 1180' vertical but it is steep almost to the lift, not much wasted time crusing the flat to the lift line. Snow shoe is taller but I wonder if the trails have alot of runout at the bottom.
  15. zzslope


    Has anyone skied snowshoe west virginia? Is it any good? Is the terrain comparable to any other resorts? I watched some you tube vids from there and it looked relatively mellow.
  16. Great pics root.
  17. zzslope


    In the teens this morning, action news showed the guns on at the bottom of the six pack.
  18. Started close to first chair this AM. Light crowd, snow a little chunky but not too bad, broke up well as morning progressed, lower main was bumping up nicely. Started to get hairy by 9am from the intersection of main st/midway to the lift with everybody being funneled onto lower main st.
  19. zzslope


    Does it look like blue will be able to blow enough at night to open more trails by sunday the 18th?
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