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About Capitaaa!

  • Birthday 05/14/1989

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    Capita Stairmaster EXTREMES wih Flow bindings
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Elk / Sno

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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Profile Information

  • Location
    Montdale, PA

Capitaaa!'s Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. I know this is a little late, and a longshot, but my free passes ended up falling through. Do any PASR's have any extra free tickets I could possibly take off your hands? I really don't want to sound like a mooch, but the prices are way too high considering the crowds. If anyone has any extra please pm me or reply and I could possibly meet you at the mountain. Thank you very much!
  2. Hahaha putting cameras in front of these kids is like asking for them to be horse's asses. "I kill it dawg, I'm sick"
  3. Haha they just got kicked for drinking... and having a bow I guess, still funny.
  4. I was an instructor at Elk, and I highly doubt JFBB pays its instructors by the hour. Lessons happen at scheduled times... Why would they pay you to be there when they know there isn't going to be a lesson?
  5. How can you not love this place??? They do so much for their customers its ridiculous. I wish I lived closer.
  6. 6 inches in Montdale with a forecast 3 more... Pretty rad.
  7. Capitaaa!

    Everything Elk

    Nice TR thanks for posting. I'm glad you got your woods time in before they got ya haha. That weekend was really nice, possibly the last one we'll see until next year. It's nice to hear you say what you did about the park. It is very small, but they have some of the nicest guys running it, and it seems to be the safest I've ever been in. For the most part, everyone really understands some descent park etiquette. The rope tow really makes it worthwhile, you can get about 15 runs in an hour, and because theres less features, the park crew can keep them all in nice shape throughout the whole day. Big ups to Dan and the rest of the park crew.
  8. Capitaaa!


    Ski, I really don't want to seem like I am against Sno in any way, shape or form. I have always and still love that mountain. I have ridden there and Elk faithfully for 5 years. It's just with my recent employment at Elk, I've been there a lot more for obvious reasons. Maybe I was a little too extreme using the word "chaos", I think a better term would be "settling in". I was only at Sno twice this season, however it was early this season. With some of the lifts not running, and the lazy river exposed, I was a little turned off about the atmosphere that I usually enjoy. I've been meaning to get up again and check things out, but working as an instructor three days a week at Elk doesn't make it very easy to get to other mountains. By the end of the season, I WILL make it up there and reaffirm all the things that I do love about that resort. Chances are you'll be there. Maybe I'll see you on the North Face, I'm always looking for new people to ride with.
  9. Capitaaa!


    Haha, I don't know why all you Elk guys are defending the mountain so much. We know the terrain is fun, the snow is usually excellent, and financially, doing just fine. So why don't we just tell all the non-believers that the conditions are horrifying, and we can keep our small crowds of friendly people and short lift lines? Don't get me wrong, I usually do enjoy Sno's park and their NF... Theres been just a little too much chaos this year for my liking, but hey, whats wrong with a good rebuilding year?
  10. Capitaaa!

    terrain park opens

    I understand ELK's position as a SKI resort first and foremost, but I'm really starting to question the intensity of there dedication to the old school ski mentality. Thee is so little attention given to snowboarders. Today, i had my name taken by ski patrol because I was hitting a jump we found to the side of one trail. I understand i was in my jacket, which is a uniform, but its as if they completely deny any chance toward freestyle riding other than the 200 yard park separated from the rest of the trails. Most of the fun in riding, is finding natural, or man made, features to use. I know I am in no position to question any of management's methods, but sometimes ELK feels like 1980's California... Here's hoping I still have my job next week...
  11. I can't believe you sold that Pez dispenser for 150 bux... That is awesome.
  12. Capitaaa!

    Everything Elk

    Definatley got a few inches of fresh snow up here. These cold temperatures coming up should provide for some nice snowmaking too. This weekend should be pretty good, and judging by how many people have been up there the past few weekends i'm not sure if it's gunna be THAT crowded.
  13. Nice... that only took you 5 minutes to get together haha. Impressive.
  14. Capitaaa!

    Everything Elk

    This is a WIDE open thread about Elk. There aren't enough posts about this place on here. Say whatever you think; how much you love it, how much you hate it, how you feel about the hits in the park, or the brews in the lodge. Let's get posting.
  15. Me and Steve will be up there at 12.
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