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tyler franks

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About tyler franks

  • Birthday 07/27/1991

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  • Home Mountain
    boulda/ blue

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  • Location
    pocono pines
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tyler franks's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. ive seen the new boudler park... starting at top theres like a 62' dfd rail on the right and the left is like a 50' down urban singlebarrel street rail... there is like 3 huge jumps.. looks like a 45' flat red rail with a 8' gap onto it... a dfd box evrything is huge....
  2. i check the new pics ont he web site they have like 3 er 4 kickers all the way to teh bottom after the 2 boxes wondering wut thsoe cud be for?? anoyone kno... maybe 3 new boxes or rails?? idk it shud be pretty sick... and who is goin to the z games tonight? wut age are u ?
  3. BOULDER IS SICK... and with the lack of snow we have... they are still sick imagine how amazing BB will be once mother nature gives us somthing to work with it will be a thing to see.... go boulder...
  4. this is a good idea but wut wud happen if newbs jus keep rolling over the lip wud the snow get down to the wood??? idk good shit though
  5. boulder defiantlyl been there like 15-20 times alrede... they have relle stepped up there game.. get there... its sick
  6. im down to be filmed... i rock the burton red yellow orannge flannel coat wit the rust collored pants im alwyas at boulder..
  7. i jus uwnt to say that im pretty sure boulder will be fine.. they still have skilled park crew that kno wut they are talkin about and know how to set sick stuff up.. they have eben there for a while.. .. no worries boulders parkw ill still be sick..
  8. check em out http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f353/tfranks/IMG_0108.jpg http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f353/tfranks/IMG_0109.jpg http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f353/tfranks/IMG_0111.jpg http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f353/tfranks/IMG_0112.jpg
  9. anyoen ahve any video from oepning day??
  10. word im there... plaid red orange yellow rust pants...
  11. i jus talked to a person from boulder on friday and they siad theat they ar planning on opening tuesday not monday iguess using the extra day of monday to blow snow.. so lets hope...
  12. yea that pretty much sux. i live like 5 miles from boulda so it isnt a problem to jus get up and go after school
  13. yea i skiied at boulder last year.. we have a good group of riders there evryone is freinds its good he'll fit in and therye is a cuple young park boarders like 7 8 10 he'll make freinds.. most of us that ride there are somewhat local and live in blakslee or pocno lake. at least me and my freinds do..
  14. today i went down to guest services in b boulda and wus told by them that theyre are gonna try and open this monday as in 4 or 5 days... this is no lie.. its wut i wus told.. i guess tmeps are getting cold and its possible i dont kno bout u, but im physced.... hopfully its true...
  15. on the website under anouncments it states this Big Boulder will not be open this weekend. Snowmaking will resume when Mother Natures cooperates. Stay tuned... so i guess not opening this weekend
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