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About kate

  • Birthday 09/09/1987

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    elevation forward 148 drake F-50s northwave vintage boots
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Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. kate

    Everything Elk

    I don't think that anyone is saying that the reason Elk is worried about lawsuits is because "It's PENNSYLVANIA." I would say that a more realistic reason is because Elk is privately owned, whereas many larger resorts out west or up north are corporately owned by companies like Intrawest. Elk is fairly uptight about safety across the board, from no glade skiing, to no the no backpack rule, to not having any gapped rails in the park. The mountain has pretty good reason to be concerned about the risk of lawsuits; a few large ones could potentially put them out of business. Also, not to be a bitch, but about how no one bothered to tell you that backpacks were not allowed on the lift while you were on the wagon and getting ready, did you really expect them to realize that was your intent given the fact that nearly everyone else comes to the mountain with some type of pack to leave in the lodge? As you said, Elk IS the best mountain in PA. They have outstanding terrain, a friendly staff, and a pretty laidback air. That said, they certainly have the right to ask that you do something as small as staying out of the trees or not wearing a backpack on the lift. Boycotting the mountain for this is rather excessive, but to each his own i guess. Good luck finding a place where you can live a risky mountain lifestyle.
  2. kate

    terrain park opens

    just rails for right now, so this will probably all change in the next week or so... you've got a choice of crail rail, fun box, flat down, or rainbow first. after that it's a tiny double barrel rail thats barely even off the ground, battle ship, dragon box, and rainbow box. all of them are ride ons.
  3. kate

    Elks Conditions?

    i went up yesterday and it was pretty nice. The deleware opened up and the snow on that was perfect. The Tioga was only okay. that side of the mountain gets a lot of wind and the tioga doesn't have as much tree cover so there was a lot of hardpack. i actually didn't hit the tunkhannock or susquehanna, but i guess they were decent. They were blowing snow on the slalom and the park, so they should be open soon.
  4. kate


    oh sweet, I'm an instructor too. The ITC for snowboard instructors is actually kinda fun, you'll pretty much just be riding with some occasional drills. Everyone is pretty laid back, and it's a pretty good time.
  5. kate


    The mountain's opening up this friday! Based on the pictures on the website it looks like a decent cover. Who all will be there? I will be all weekend.
  6. kate

    Snow making has begun

    yeah, it looks good too. I had to go up this morning and there were some pretty big mounds everywhere. The forecast looks relatively good too.
  7. I love that! all the random set ups were siiick. it looked like they were all having a ton of fun... that's steezy.
  8. I didn't see that one, but props to the girl getting around on backies too... that was pretty sick to see.
  9. That is the first time i've competed against julia and everyone that has told me about her is right... she rips.
  10. fuuunnnnnn.... and the weather was perfect! i'm pretty beat up though, lol.
  11. i'll be there in white pants and blue gogs, so holla!
  12. i really hope i can make it to this... i'm getting pretty pumped. sounds like a sick time.
  13. kate

    Boards for Sale

    yeah, i hear you... it would make a sick powder board, too bad i live in PA, lol.
  14. kate

    Boards for Sale

    oh sure, my bad... Elevation: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...p;rd=1&rd=1 Ivy: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...p;rd=1&rd=1 Season's Pass: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...p;rd=1&rd=1
  15. kate

    Boards for Sale

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