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Everything posted by Icecoast

  1. Don't mention it to montage online that the long haul is closed despite mountain report saying it's open. They will legit block you.
  2. http://youtu.be/iR9Ax4EcqTI
  3. I was there Monday. They had guns going around the lodge and I only could count three visible on both upper and lower fast track. Whatevr
  4. Sell the damn lift and put the money somewhere else.
  5. They were supposed to have more top to bottom trails when it turned into sno for the few years, with a high speed quad.
  6. Last map I saw shows blue knob area getting nailed...Monday might be a good day to finally check that place out
  7. I blend and nobody could ever pick me out.
  8. Pa drivers are worse than jersey statistically. If I have to I'll post the article.
  9. Are the trees open yet?
  10. Their hookers in Kensington are too Legit to pass up. I hate scoring dope there because I get talked into a half hour trick and get home with even less money. Ugh.
  11. meh, coming from camden area scranton seems like beverly fucking hills. I do love some 'ron though. Ill have to sample the local variety.
  12. Whiteface remains my favorite spot in the east. can't wait to get back.
  13. Lift is best time to take photos
  14. There really isn't an excuse to have a bad website anymore. So many companies with drag and drop templates for website building out there.
  15. camelback pushed to tuesday. Blue is now the only option.
  16. blue posted a picture of people camping out in the lodge?
  17. camelback pushed to tuesday
  18. Depends on what's open. Sunday night I'll compare. Blue is closer so ill probably be there.
  19. Looks like I'll at least have options on Monday and Wednesday. Camelback it probably is, but seeing what Belleayre may be able to pull off.
  20. Not only top, but potential to be the ONLY trip report this season.
  21. Yeah they have improved snowmaking past few years. Not up to par with surrounding hills but it's something.
  22. Just need them to last until Saturday. After that it's whatever.
  23. If I'm going to drive 100 miles for freedom park, might as well double the distance for way more than double the trail.
  24. Forecast updated, a few days of decent production around the 18th...than marginal overnight temps through New Years.
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