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Everything posted by Icecoast

  1. think theyll beat blue this year for latest closing?
  2. too early to be talkin bout next season, makes it feel like this one is almost over. might as well contribute to the topic though: basically what bc mark said they have been doing for next season, is more then enough for me.
  3. sent yah one.
  4. most likely ill be up later in the afternoon. this jumpline sounds sickkkkkk. they had one last year right? or was it just for a little while, i dont remember seeing it when i was up there.
  5. hell yeah, your park was alot of fun least season, definately gonna get up there soon.
  6. i was under the impression that lifts are counterweighted so that if the cable does come up, people dont die, like when creeks gondolas cable derailed last season. or am i mistaken, and if i am, why isnt there a device that goes over top of the wheels so that the cable cannot leave them? wow this is scary http://www.coloradoskihistory.com/chairlift/yan2.html
  7. i agree, everything was set up nice. i was only up for 2 runs though! i came down real hard on the flat rail and my board bent alot and i fell pretty hard. then the next run down my board was not staying straight, and would just give out on every turn. i think i broke the core?
  8. yeah i always thought the leash was pointless, so i never used one. also if you got a chair full of snowboarders, the bar is very inconvenient.
  9. anyone heading up tonight?
  10. winds are supposed to gust over 50mph tomorrow, anyone else think they may close lifts?
  11. action park before mountain creek actually had a looping waterslide. insane.
  12. Icecoast

    TR 1/18/06

    haha how did i get dragged into this? nah sadly i couldnt make it up today. ill be up saturday at 4, with no burton gear to speak of lol. either a rome artifact or neversummer, and black and white figments. my jacket is kinda bluish i guess so somewhat close lol.
  13. i have borrowing power and know a few possible investors if anyone is interested in this. its not in pa though, but for 1.75 million, with lifts and snowmaking systems it seems a steal. just too small to compete with nieghboring resorts. http://www.vermont-home.com/ski.htm
  14. it seems like every time i turn on the news they are interviewing mary about the weather in the area in relation to skiing. at least this time it was good news instead of showing grass. hopefully i can ride this saturday.
  15. ill just be happy to not dodge bare spots!
  16. coming home from work and seeing those webcams was sweet.
  17. so it arrived today, and the instructions are very vague. they say to start it up, to open the air receivers drain valve or outlet valve. where exactly is that? is that the valve on the bottom of the bottom tank, or the valve coming from the side of the top tank? or is it somewhere else?
  18. yeah, but i wouldnt mind gettin blown on while riding.
  19. what are the chances that they will be open again by wednesday? tuesday looks to be a round the clock snowmaking day. my luck theyll reopen thursday when i cant make it.
  20. i wasnt. i didnt feel like fighting holiday crowds. did that at killy already this season and im not up for it again. if you ever see anyone with a never summer board or rome artifact with those dc boots that are white and camo(flares i think) says whats up. ill probobly be wearing that giro bad luetenant helmet and black and white figs. when they do reopen(again) every weeknight and saturday.
  21. have those all the time. makes me wonder why people would not want to go snowboarding. ill be up almost every day once they get open, saturdays 4-close.
  22. ill be there saturday most definately.
  23. their park looked sick last year?
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