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Everything posted by Icecoast

  1. i got an offpeak for 170 bucks, since i try to stay away from weekend crowds. spent well over 100 at blue, over 100 at boulder, once to killington, once to hunter. i really dont want a refund, just want to ride. it sucks that they couldnt be further north, the management's heads are in the right place, just wrong geographical location.
  2. hypothetically speaking, say you guys arent able to get the mountain up by mid january, considering thats what this forcast im looking at is sort of hinting at. will there maybe be a way season pass holders could return their passes? ive already spent more then twice the cost of my pass at other mountains
  3. for the past month accuweather has put the week ahead for macungie as having lows in the teens, and it keeps getting pushed back. speculation may lead to joy or heartbreak. el nino is a bastard, and if he wants us to not ride bear he has that power.
  4. today was definately fun, i was up for morning/ a little into the afternoon. falls was fun. highlight would be finding an older gentleman laying on the bottom part of lazy mile. took me and this other dude a good solid 5 minuits to help him up. it felt good to do a good deed.other then that it was pretty uneventful. that wierd box on come around was fun too i guess sort of?
  5. check the webcams, they are going all out. tonight and tomorow night should get decent snow made to keep some cover until the next snowmaking window on monday.
  6. the forcast keeps turning from bad to worse. hire some mercenaries to truck in snow from the mountains further north under the cloak of darkness...
  7. haha yeah papasteez, it seems that bear creek and the parklogic dudes are the only local places that know how to build boxes and rails, so id rather drive an extra hour and have fun then go to blue and get frustrated like i always do when im there. and mark, i would seriously bring ice if you guys were ever serious about that. isnt there an additive that you can add to your pond so you can make snow at higher temps? i think ive heard other places using this, not sure if you guys do or not, but with the way the winters are going you may want to look into that for the future.
  8. low of 25 tomrorw night and 27 on wednesday night for macungie. they blew with those same temps last week. it cant be 40 miles. maybe on roads but it can only be half of that directly.
  9. the had to close. i think they may be able to make some piles on tues and wed nights, but will have to wait until next week to begin legit snowmaking and reopening. it sucks, it felt so good to finally have my pass scanned saturday
  10. tuesday and wednesday nights seem to be the only nights to make snow until next tuesday i wont be at blue, id much rather go to big boulder.
  11. just kidding they are pretty sweet. i need to get back there, its been a while since air has been gotten.
  12. just got back, jibs were very fun. just too much lip to them but i know it was like that in case they melted down. bear needs cold asap.
  13. tuesday the temps start to drop at night again.
  14. im heading to blue know, then to bear creek on the way home. i dindt want to be confined to 2 trails all day. although, the temps are droppin below freezing at night starting tuesday, according to accuweather. everyone pray or burn an old snowboard, whichever you prefer. http://wwwa.accuweather.com/forecast-15day...62&metric=0
  15. bad news, this guy thinks this warm weather may last another 5-6 weeks, until mid january. http://wwwa.accuweather.com/news-blogs.asp...&blog=sobel if i dont see snow starting to be blown sometime next week in the area, ill probobly do nothing but complain about it. but i would like to think id do something drastic like move.
  16. stickers haha, thats how i found out about this site, i think i saw one on a lift tower at blue? anyway if i had one id rock one on my helmet, but a stencil will do i guess for id purposes. ill definately be there saturday night. 13 features sounds really sick, cant wait.
  17. Icecoast

    Jib board

    i actually rode my artifact at killington, and honestly besides the occasional heelside chatter, it rode pretty damn well, alot better then expected. also a never summer evo is really good for riding all mountain and park, its just a bit stiff on the rails, not too bad though.
  18. damn beat me too it. must of been by a second or so
  19. blue has plenty of snow to at least keep main street area open through the warm spell.
  20. camelback sure blew alot of snow. ill be there saturday if bears not open.
  21. my faith is not lost in bear, it is with weather. our season this year will be 2 months of decent riding if that. even accuweather that shows the coldest temps of any weather service has bear down for maybe 3 nights of snowmaking in the next 15 days, while other places such as sno, blue, and camelback will have many nights. hell there are spiders making webs outside of my door at the moment. WTF. this is all my fault. i drove an suv up to killington a few weeks ago instead of a fuel efficiant car. sorry guys
  22. wow their snow took a beating. im not even holding my breath for saturday. just applied to the university of northern colorado, hopefully i get accepted, wont have to deal with this warmth and crap anymore.
  23. yes. the next 2 weeks before snowmaking temps come back though is another story...
  24. he jinxed it. no snowmaking temps in macungie for another 2 weeks
  25. hopefully there will be some snow left saturday night. murphys law is a bitch, if i didnt get a pass bear would be almost 100 percent open and the temps would be consistantly cold, and wherever i bought a pass to would barely have anything open if at all. ...still looking forward to a damn good season
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