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Everything posted by Icecoast

  1. The drive time to Berkshire east is much further so at that point gore or Vermont is a better option. It looks like a fun place but hard to justify. Catamount was similar to the Catskills so the drive was easier. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I’m jealous. I’ve never had a bad day at whiteface. Either powder or spring conditions. Tied for favorite in the east right now with smugglers notch. Whiteface might win due to lake placid area being awesome. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. After my peaks pass got epic’d last year, I went with the Indy pass this year. It’s cheap and a good way to experienced new mountains. The snow by this time locally was still iffy and I figured I would head north. Catamount always interested me, it’s on my my pass, why not. They had some cool looking trails on the NY side as well. 
 Being that the mountain is split in half by the NY/MA state line, I took the exit after hunters exit, and headed east. The mountain sits up on the taconic ridge, and is owned by the same people that own Berkshire east. It’s clear they have invested as there’s a very nice new lodge. They also had private sheds for the ‘rona safety. 
 I never waited in any lines, right on the lift each time. The trails I wanted to ride never opened, go figure, despite the website saying they were open. 
 The mountain also felt like camelback but without the circus, as there top few hundred feet of vert was steep (some unopened trails were very steep, then a ton of runout. 
 Due to the steep stuff and the longer blues not being open, I lapped the ridge trail that went from NY to MA, then down some easier trails to play around on the side hits. They started to setup a park, but it wasn’t open. I’m glad I went, but probably won’t go back. If I lived nearby I would...probably go to belleayre or drive a bit further north to magic or bromley. Next stop, blue knob. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I got curious so started searching for YouTube videos shot at eagle rock this year and found this one. Looks like the chairs are off the beginner lift and they have a on snow shuttle instead. At least that’s what I got out of this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Hospital parking vibes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I agree. I guess it’s because all the mountains I went to growing up had dirt lots and it felt like being in the mountains to me. I was shocked during my southern pa tour last year to find that Liberty has paved lot with grass islands and light poles. Immediate buzzkill. Felt like going to the mall. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Vail. I did liberty and roundtop in the same day last year and posted a TR. those hills are pretty lame IMO. I did a day at whitetail, which was much better. One of my favorite places in PA currently unless Blue knob takes the best in southern PA when I go on Friday.
  8. Catamount still has some available. Not sure if they are getting snow though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Cove village? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Wasn’t blue going to build condos, a hotel, a water park, and a new trail? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Man that would piss a lot of people off who own condos and homes around Boulder. But then again vails business model is pissing people off and somehow still getting their money. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Woah. Good stuff! I need a split next season,especially after seeing this report. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Frost, when good, is good. It seemed like every year up until 2016 I as riding trees there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I would put whiteface and gore in the big leagues. 3k of actual vert vs killingtons 3k of cross country. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Stolen from Reddit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I lost weight and this thing is a bit big for me. In really good condition. Looking for 200. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Greek, catamount, blue knob, Shawnee, magic, Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. My experiences last year were enough to turn me anti vail. This just solidifies it. Glad I went with the Indy pass. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Tanglewood? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I’m split on my feelings. While I liked Boulder park, I just feel that an entire mountain dedicated to park, with Boulder being the only night skiing option between the two, didn’t make much sense. It was always a stupid decision to have to leave frost and head to Boulder to keep riding after dark. It adds traffic congestion, more emissions, not to mention just having to drive in ski boots. I wonder if lights will be added to frost, and frosts park upgraded. I think the Boulder park trail is still the best option between the two for a large jump line but that’s really about it. The two hills should have been operated separately from each other as independent places. Sure, under the same ownership is fine, but pretending Boulder was just other trails on frosts backside is stupid. They aren’t that close. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Icecoast

    Elk Sold

    Every time this thread gets bumped I keep hoping it’s about elk actually being sold. But yeah, elk is too far out there to really attract anyone at night. Why drive to elk if blue,can, and montage are all closer (for night skiing). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Kennywood Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Icecoast

    Elk Sold

    Let me rephrase then... I can go to many hills in PA that get dog shit for snow, that have some sort of marked glades. Elk generally gets snow needed for a hill in pa to have some marked glades, and it sure as hell has the terrain for it, yet it’s not allowed. Kind of like snorkeling being illegal in Florida where the water is clear, but jersey beaches allowing it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. My grandparents used to live out by tunkhannock and there was always a few inches of base throughout winter. There were even a few old ski areas that we would hike. Maybe a few hundred feet of vert, but it was still awesome. Miller Mountain now has a giant well mowed gas pipeline cut going up, across, and down it. I’ve been eying it up since they cut it a few years back. It’s 1500 vertical feet, not steep but it appears to have the same grade as some blue or green trails with some steeper headwalls. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Icecoast

    Elk Sold

    I was excited when I thought this was real. Waiting on new owners before I drive that far again. Great mountain but if I can ride trees at blue which is half the distance, there really isn’t a reason to go. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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