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About Saurus

  • Birthday 09/25/1990

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    Bear Creek

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Super-G Racer (6/10)

  1. After Bear Creek decided to screw PASR over last year by refusing to honor a discounted rate for our loyalty I really didn't care to deal with them anymore. The only benefit you will get from purchasing your season pass from this link is the ability to receive 1) "Early Bird Pricing" a month later than the usual of October 31st. 2) A free lift ticket for your friend. The web address to the group purchase site is: https://websales.skibearcreek.com/e-commerce/grpLogin.aspx To log into the account, each group member will need the club name and password that are listed below: CLUB NAME: WS96 PASSWORD: 15SKIRIDE *Please note: The club name and passwords should all be capitalized for the login to work. Please make sure you are familiar with our rules and regulations before purchasing your pass. These are: Six-session/season passes are non-transferable Passes expire at the end of the 2014-2015 season and may not be rolled over to another year No refunds will be issued for unused portions of the six-session pass No refunds will be issued for any reason on a season pass Participants of the six-session program who are purchasing lessons must be at least 8 years old Refresher lessons are only available evenings of January 8-9, and January 15-16, 2015 Minors renting equipment require the signature of a parent or guardian. Parental release forms are available on our website, www.bcmountainresort.com If you lose your pass there is a $25 replacement fee Off peak passes and 6 session passes are valid Monday through Friday from open to close and after 4:00pm on weekends and resort holidays Value Passes are valid Monday through Thursday, non holiday Resort holidays for the 2014-2015 season are December 25, 2014 through January 1, 2015, January 19, 2015 and February 16, 2015. EARLY BIRD Pricing for season passes expires on November 30, 2014. ( this group benefit gives you access to reduced pricing one month after the general public) Additionally for each season pass purchased through a group – You will earn a “Bring A Friend” Voucher: · (1) “anytime” voucher with the purchase of an unlimited season pass · (1) “midweek” voucher with the purchase of an off-peak or value season pass. (To be picked up in the Group Sales office after Season Pass has been processed. Tickets not picked up will be forfeited) When purchasing your pass, you will need to provide a full name, address, phone number and birth date for each of the pass holders. You will also need a valid credit card for payment. Discovery Lessons Discovery lessons are designed for first time skiers or snowboarders or those still needing to improve on Green Circle terrain (easiest trails). Discovery lessons can be taken anytime the 6-session pass is valid during the Discovery times. Refresher Lessons The refresher lesson will only be offered the second and third Thursday and Friday evening of the New Year (January 8, 9 and 15, 16), and is designed for those who are returning to their sport. This lesson will focus on safety and the responsibility that goes along with skiing and snowboarding. It will be an hour long refresher starting at 6pm and will be taught in a group format. Your group members will certainly benefit from taking this course. Those wishing to receive further instruction are encouraged to sign up with our Snow Sports School for a private lesson. One Other IMPORTANT NOTE: Please make note of our new modified hours Sun-Thurs – we will now be closing at 9:00 PM. Friday hours will remain 9:00AM-10:00PM and Saturdays and Holidays 8:30AM-10:00PM.
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  2. Does anyone have any free lift tickets that they might want to give me ???? #justgraduated #collegeloanproblems #chipkelly
  3. Hey everyone. What I thought was going to be a discount code for everyone to use, was just a similar login to years past with no additional discount. What this means is that it does nothing for you, but could earn me a free season pass which I do not care about due to the fact I hopefully will be backpacking Europe in January -> Fell free to use the code. If I do earn multiple season passes, I will try and give one away, or give it away to someone to raffle for charity. The web address to the group purchase site is: https://websales.skibearcreek.com/e-commerce/grpLogin2.aspx To log into the account, each group member will need the club name and password that are listed below: CLUB NAME: WS96 PASSWORD: 14PASKI *Please note: The club name and passwords should all be capitalized for the login to work. Please make sure you are familiar with our rules and regulations before purchasing your pass. These are: Six-session/season passes are non-transferable Passes expire at the end of the 2013-2014 season and may not be rolled over to another year No refunds will be issued for unused portions of the six-session pass No refunds will be issued for any reason on a season pass Participants of the six-session program who are getting lessons must be at least 8 years old Refresher lessons are only available evenings of January 9-10, and January 16-17, 2014 Minors renting equipment require the signature of a parent or guardian. Parental release forms are available on our website, www.bcmountainresort.com If you lose your pass there is a $25 replacement fee Off peak passes and 6 session passes are valid Monday through Friday from open to close and after 4:00pm on weekends and resort holidays Value Passes are valid Monday through Thursday, non holiday Resort holidays for the 2013-2014 season are December 25, 2013 through January 1, 2014, January 17 -21, 2014 and February 14-18, 2014. When purchasing your pass, you will need to provide a full name, address, phone number and birth date for each of the pass holders. You will also need a valid credit card for payment.
  4. I guess someone in sales or marketing was wondering why there was a lack in season pass sales.... Check back soon for some details...
  5. Hey Guys, I got word from group sales that they will no longer be honoring discounted group season pass rates. However, they now offer "lower rates for all" if you purchase your pass before the end of october. Last season I asked for even lower rates due to the amount of revenue we brought them (it was very significant) and obviously got the denial. Below are the prices for early bird passes: Earlybird Season Pass Rates (Purchased By 10/31/13) Rate Adult Unlimited Valid open to close, every day $375 Youth (6-21)/Senior (62-69) Unlimited Valid open to close, every day $320 Off-Peak Valid any non-resort holiday Monday through Friday, open to close Valid every day after 4pm Valid anytime opening day to 12/23/13 Valid anytime 3/3/14 to closing day $285 Value Pass Valid any non-resort holiday Monday through Thursday open to close Valid anytime opening day to 12/23/13 Valid anytime 3/3/14 to closing day $170 Unlimited Family Valid open to close, every day Valid for IRS dependents and spouses. $1,490 Off-Peak Family Off-Peak restrictions apply Valid for IRS dependents and spouses. $1,130 5 & Under/70 & Over $25
  6. Saurus

    Open Date

    Omg. S rail. Fuck yessss
  7. Saurus

    Open Date

    I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. Shit is almost exactly the same.
  8. Saurus

    Open Date

    hahah wow, honestly what a fucking joke. id actually be upset if i had to pay for a lift ticket hows boulder been?
  9. Saurus

    Open Date

    I havent been to bear since they had that big air event. Please tell me when I arrive at bear on thursday the set up will be very different.
  10. Saurus

    Open Date

    im trying to rage at kutztown next weekend yo. ill bring the RedBull.
  11. Saurus

    Open Date

  12. Saurus

    Open Date

    Cascade setup is fucking sick
  13. Saurus

    Open Date

    dont be so generous!
  14. Saurus

    Open Date

    Lol. Stacking rails side by side is cool and all, But not if you barely have anything else out.
  15. Saurus

    Open Date

    The past few days have had no crowds what so ever. Monday was prime. A few inches of fresh snow everywhere. Trees were amazing with awesome coverage. Wednesday was okay. Lots of random barespots, and ice, some ridiculously huge that span across whole runs. Trees were still good with only a little issues every now and then. I've never been tree skiing before and I absolutely love it. The park on timberline is currently being built and I doubt it will be open before I leave. Shitty
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