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Everything posted by Saurus

  1. ian learn to read. it sarts at 7
  2. http://jfbb.com/explore/media heres some porn for all your snowmaking buffs
  3. haha ^ if only i wasnt working that day
  4. but only if they do my bonk idea.
  5. I say they make a bonk out of a keg, but before they do that, we all do keg stands and play pong! that would be the best rail jam well ofcourse they are going to start blowing every chance they can get. But if the weathers going to be warm next week, there is no point. Anyone know macungie's forecast for next week
  6. thats what i ment to say. like atleast before friday morning id like to know, so i can plan my night
  7. julz, can you stop making new topics with the same idea incorporated in each...
  8. yep
  9. Whos going to be there saturday
  10. Even though its weather permitting, can we get a list of the setup plans
  11. It is supposed to snow at lake harmony tonight, tomorrow and tuesday!!!!
  12. Sundays low - 29 Mondays low- 27 Tuesdays low- 23 ( possible snowstorm) Wednesday low- 27 Thursdat Low 23 Friday low- 22 Saturday-Opening day hahaha (maybe boulder) And it is not supposed to get out of the 30's all week (besides monday with a high of 42) we should make a petition to make bear blow each night
  13. says who? they make their rails
  14. is that a new small a frame?
  15. Saurus

    Camera Help

    When i shoot with my digital slr i will either walk up the mtn or take the lift and walk down. This way its safer so i dont drop it or get it wet or even break it. You should also get a uv lense filter that will protect your lense and help out when taking pics in the snow. But if you want to ride down with your camera make sure you have it in a camera bag and its not over your shoulder or near your stomach cause you dont want to go around body slamming it.
  16. its going to rain later in the week...
  17. november 11th ahahaha
  18. that battleship is too big
  19. Thats the best part about them
  20. army navy<33333333 :wub: :wub:
  21. where the f@#% is drifter
  22. i think the move was a great but also stupid idea haha. Its great because its secluded from other runs. This would keep riders who arent supposed to be in the beginner park, out of it. Im talking about people that are competent in the park but are messing around, and intimidating the beginner riders. Its however not the greatest of moves because all the people that are just learning are going to be going up the carpet lift and they will see those rails and boxes and have to do them, this results into them getting hurt haha.
  24. are your rails and boxes long enough!? damn 50 foot s box! thats redic
  25. im so pissed i didnt go :[
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