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Everything posted by soldier32

  1. glen plake was at boulder too and says it has the best park hes seen on his tour
  2. at frost theyre adding another park along with more rails and at boulder theyre adding a whale box, a wallride, a new kink rail, a c rail, and a down flat down rail. that and big boulder's excellent jump making skills combined will mix for some hell of parks this year
  3. i told u that big boulder is where its at http://www.jfbb.com/Jane%20Terrain.pdf
  4. dude that dazzle is mine so dont sell it
  5. werd.
  6. exactly. look at mountain creek, its a small mountain but they get all their business because they know what theyre doing with parks. see, trails are what are boring (freeriding) and thats why i think boulder is so much better because they put parks first. not like camelback when they put theyre trails first and thats why their parks are horrible
  7. craige, help me out here to let everyone know boulder is good
  8. see now, u dont understand. the trails dont matter, because they are boring. the parks do matter, because they arent. big boulders parks are better than any other pocono parks, which makes big boulder better. and it doesnt matter if theyre lifts are slow because its a small mountain. the lifts there take about the same time as the quad at blue so its like the same time that ur on the lift. and they got rid of that boardercross park and have 2 kickass regular parks now.
  9. and u cant forget the snowboarders who do nothing but freestyle, like me. and lets all give a big HELL YEA to Big Boulder
  10. yea man i might be interested in some of it too, im starting to build my comp soon. post some prices
  11. ive heard that theyve actually got a pretty decent park and are planning on upgrading it this year too
  12. OOOOOOO are u gonna take that atomic????
  13. yea creeks is great
  14. u gotta admit tho that camelbacks site is the nicest, best, and easiest to use out of all of the sites of the other pocono resorts tho. shawnees looks like a 5 year old made it off of geocities.
  15. yo my little brother might want those drums too
  16. dude all u guys are talking about blue and how nice theyre stuff is. has anyone here ridden big boulder? sure they a small mountain but if ur a park rat like i am it doesnt matter because boulders jumps put blues to shame like blues put camelbacks to shame, i do agree that camelback is a really nice mountain tho, but i think why they get so much money is because theyre the closest mountain in the poconos to new york and new jersey so it probably gets the most vacationers. what i noticed a lot about the ski areas around here is that they dont even give a fuck about us locals and they just worry about how they can make theyre resort better for the vacationers and how they can promote it more to them
  17. i do have to admit that i am quite a stickler for jf and bb, but yea some of blues jumps were pretty nice but i think they need to go a little bigger with some of them. ive actually only been to blue twice and the last time i was there was towards the end of the season and conditions sucked. ill check it out more this year tho, but from what ive experienced, i still think bb has the best parks
  18. haha yea. cool beans man
  19. so far for this year ill be riding my nitro titan 148 with my new burton custom bindings. still yet to get new boots and ill probably be getting another board like halfway thru the season
  20. dude why are u selling all of the shit that i like to play with when i go to ur house haha
  21. i just got me some new burton custom bindings at the loft like a week ago. cant wait to use them, anyone ridden them before that know how they feel? they seem like theyre gonna be great
  22. yea u guys need to get up to frost and boulder. craige was right about them having the biggest hit this year, the 40 foot booter, and they have the best built park and the nicest setups out of everywhere around here. blue has no idea how to build nice jumps compared to boulder and theyre rails just suck i think this season u guys should check out boulder. and o yea im the new nub of the forum. craige u know who i am
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