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Everything posted by soldier32

  1. ill be up at camel on friday, if anyone wants to ride lemme know
  2. man that sucks. after seeing those pics i know that andrew and i would have done really well in that comp
  3. yea last year frost stayed open pretty long, hopefully they will this year too. we've been getting some snow. even if they close early, insomniac, gurp and i might head up there and just hike it if they still have the park stuff up
  4. dammit i wish i couldve got up there. what was everyone throwing down? was anyone going big or throwing anything crazy?
  5. yea it really sucks. it seems like the season (and winter) just started, since we havent even gotten any snow for most of the winter until the past two weeks. hopefully they snow will keep up and it'll last longggg
  6. yea ive seen justo ski a couple times and i saw his brother at the comps at boulder. good thing i dont ski, cuz he is crazy good
  7. soldier32


    atomic would you be able to pm that to me with a link cuz i was kinda interested in seeing that video edit: nevermind i understand that up top now haha took me a minute
  8. anyone else on here going up sunday? i'm still kind of undecided. if someone can give me some info on if theres an entry fee, and if there is, how much is it. also if anyone knows what the park setup is gonna be for it, that would be good too. justo you'll probably konw a lot of this
  9. yea im not sure, but i might be able to get you a ticket
  10. they only had boxes for the first two prelims. the rest was rails and i think 2 of them had that jump in it too
  11. i think he should definetely enter them next year. he would do a great job and i think he'd definetely make the finals. he is one good skier
  12. usually it was about 10 feet high above the snow, and about 50 feet long altogether
  13. no they dont have the titanic up yet this year. dont know if it will be since they were dumbasses and left it out in the open all summer and it was filled with rust. they took it back in to work on it but im not sure if or when theyll have it out
  14. word up. see everyone, im not the only who thinks boulders parks are amazing
  15. yea shawnee definetely doesnt know how to set their stuff up. they have the stuff, but they dont know what to do with it. landings for rails that are about a foot and a half wide arent too safe
  16. yea thats why its pretty much pointless unless its on a quarterpipe. its pretty much just like a regular flat box, but ive seen some people jump up onto it from the side.
  17. yea thats it, thanks thats what the view of the box would be like if you were looking straight down it, its about 15 feet long
  18. no the coffin boxes arent walls, its kind of hard to explain them. maybe this will work, its a box shaped like this: _______ / \ i wish boulder had a wall
  19. first place for 14-17 snowboarders was louie (not sure of his last name), peter dubois for 16 and older skiers, and im not sure of the others. andrew might know, he'll probably post some when he comes on
  20. the coffin boxes are just flat boxes with slanted sides, theyre kinda stupid when theyre set up as a flat box, but they would be cool on top of a halfpipe or quarterpipe, im pretty sure frost has a quarterpipe set up with one on top
  21. good stuff. theyve got a jib park and a park with jumps. on the jib park: 2 flat boxes, coffin box, 15 ft flat rail, down flat down box, 5 foot high rainbow rail, battleshp rail, rainbow kicker box, 2 flat down rails, a triple kink (flat down flat down) rail, a C box, a 40 foot flat rail, and a small double barrel rail on the jump park: rollers with little step down jump leading to the big 50 foot booter/table, a triple hit with about a 35 ft hit in the middle and 15 foot hits at the sides, a pointless berm, and a decent 25 foot table/step up, and some more rollers with another pointless berm should be a good time, they know what they're doing when it comes to setting up parks
  22. definetely some great skiing and riding that was going down. they set up an insane rail for the comp: a cheese wedge kicker with a 7 foot gap to a flat down rail which was crazy and lots of fun to hit. props to andrew for getting third place and everyone who was there riding. wish i wouldnt have gotten that concussion and been able to ride tonight, but oh well there's always next year
  23. is jeff going up sunday too?
  24. craige just give me a call if you get there at 11 and ill let you know where we are
  25. o man they upped their prices. good thing i have a season pass
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