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Everything posted by soldier32

  1. well i got the new board on wednesday and i love it. pretty much the same exact thing as my old board except its just a little stiffer, which is better though. the model they gave me is the vandal. good board
  2. is it just an irons set? or is it a whole set?
  3. just making sure, we should ride sometime
  4. yea, it just made me pretty angry
  5. im sorry, poor choice of words on what i had in this post earlier. but dont be dissing boulder park, maybe you should learn to hit the stuff that they have before you talk crap about it
  6. thats what the other park is for, big jumps. tannenbaum is definetely not the best trail for jumps if you havent noticed
  7. wow man i definetely think boulders got a way better park going than shawnee for sure, you must be on some type of crack or something to think that boulders sucks. theyre the only place around here that knows how to set stuff up. and if you didnt notice, even though you cant see the rails coming up to them, they marked the transitions onto them so you can see where it is. its just like that so the lips dont get killed when the snow starts melting. and yea, im not an idiot you jackass. i just thought that it was pretty strangely set up like that since you had to practically go sideways across the trail to get onto that C box correctly, which is retarded. one more thing, i think that boulders park crew is definetely the most dedicated park crew around here. they take tons of pride in their work, much more than anywhere else i think. at the one competition someone said something about the parks from the lift and the park manager heard it, ran to the lift, and had a word with someone who said that because it pissed him off because of all the hard work he put into it. they know what theyre doing there
  8. yea i was just at shawnee today, the trails were great with all the new powder, but i definetely agree with the public enemy about the park. the only thing i didnt mind were the jumps, the first one was pretty nice and the second was decent too, but they really dont know what they are doing with the rails. like PE said, they managed to put in their down flat down rail backwards, they also put in their flat down box backwards, and their C box was sideways. and yea the halfpipe was horrible, but i think it was better than blues since it wasnt all ice. and i dont understand that whole skinny landing from the rails either haha.
  9. yea im going up to shawnee tomorrow since i have a coupon for a 1/2 off lift ticket. looks like ill stick to some freeriding instead of the park though
  10. well i called mike and matts today to see whats up with my board. and i found out that my NEW nitro is in the mail right now!!! im pretty damn happy about that, and it does change my thoughts about never getting a nitro again. i didnt think that they were going to replace it. but it should be in sometime mid-week this week so i'll have it for the competition on friday. they didnt say which model it is though, but i do know that its a 152, which is perfect. cant wait until i get it
  11. i know dude, i was there. did you see that big pile of snow they were blowing at the bottom of tannenbaum? thats gonna be the quarterpipe
  12. thats aawesome, kinda nice to know thanks for the info
  13. a quarterpipe?!?!?!?! THATS SICK!!!!!
  14. boulder is the parkasaurus of pennsylvania. nuff said
  15. im sure its gonna be awesome and insane, we're talking about big boulder here
  16. yea also, before the comp there was word going around about a boarder in my age group throwing down 630 disasters, which is rediculous. but we never saw anyone throw them down so it apparently wasnt true.
  17. ^^ haha, exactly what i was thinking
  18. i use a small torch, but a candle could probably do are they the candles that stay lit? or are they the sticks taht you gotta re-lite? if they're the candles then you should be fine lighting it with a regular candle
  19. thats so awesome, cant wait, its gonna make things so easy
  20. yea they have one judge for every one or two features
  21. is it like the parts of the base peeled up around the gouge? if thats what it is, then just take a razorblade to it and cut off the extra stuff, then p-tex it
  22. yea i definetely was not impressed with how their park was. like andrew said, all of the trannies onto the rails are horrible. they come to a point, whats up with that?? even if those gaps are too big, making the jumps onto the rails better with straight lips would make it 100% better. there were one or two decent jumps that i liked. the second table at the top of sidewinder was pretty nice, and the first and only jump on the lower park wasnt bad, but it had a very strange landing. i think i'd have to go on a day with less traffic though and see how everything is, because im not sure if yesterday would be a good day for the condition of the features
  23. no i doubt it will be back by friday, but hopefully it will be by the next week. im not sure how long its going to be gone. mike n matts is gonna call me once they talk to nitro about sending it out im still not sure about going to blue, i gotta talk to gurp and see whats up
  24. alright, well i took it to the shop today and theyre gonna send it back to nitro, and it'll be their decision whether to give me a new board or repair it. but mike n matts was nice enough to give me a rental baord to use for free while my boards gone. the thing that sucks is that they told me to not hit any rails with it though just so i dont mess it up, its gonna be really hard especially since boulder is setting up their new parks this week . but it could be a lot worse, i could have no board at all, or a broken hand
  25. delamming is when the top sheet and the base/edge start to peel apart
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