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Everything posted by skierboi

  1. im going to huntah on friday
  2. sunday river, they have like 94 or 92 trails open right now
  3. i think im going to a camp with sugar bowl in like ElColorado, if not mike hicks and i will do camper staff at mhssc
  4. with it wider do you think that they could/possibly would put a rope tow in
  5. skierboi


    The following USST Athletes are committed to the Corn Snow Classic. MEN: PTS. TED LIGETY 0.2 CHIP KNIGHT 6.4 JIMMY COCHRAN 9.41 ROGER G P BROWN 11.53 JESSE MARSHALL 16.43 TIMOTHY KELLEY 21.9 WOMEN: RESI STIEGLER 5.17 LAUREN ROSS 12.91 JESSICA KELLEY 14.03 2 or 3 MORE TO COME! TBA Jonna Mendes will be involved with the clinics.
  6. skierboi

    Public Enemy

    my public ememies were fine on ice when i used them on it
  7. ill only be there on sunday toooo
  8. skierboi

    sg skis

    i got my gs skis from racestock sport and I like those a lot so i think i will stay with that company
  9. skierboi

    sg skis

    i skied bad
  10. skierboi

    march 24-26?

    they should be since theres a race there april 1 and 2
  11. skierboi

    sg skis

    ill be doing it at sugar bowl next yr
  12. skierboi

    sg skis

    i just looked and thats only 15 miles from my house ill go check it out, my friend gets his skis from there
  13. skierboi

    sg skis

    today i found out that I need to get sg skis for next yr. , does any1 recomend a specific brand, i dont want too stiff of one
  14. skierboi

    Pa Cups

    i skied bad in every run this weekend p.s adam u skied well b.c my pep talk about u being the anteater and you neeed to go arounf the gates to get the ants my pep talks always work
  15. ill be there all day for the race
  16. like sept 6th
  17. njski family .. what made me pick it was... 1. I have a friend that goes to that school already 2. the coach/english teacher there emailed me when i sent in a application request form and said that shes from the part of nj where im from and that shes good friends with my coach and thaat she wanted me to go up an ski there
  18. ya, in Cali
  19. i recieved a letter yesterday and it said i got accepted by sugar bowl academy for school next year!!!
  20. i was there yesterday, the snow was really good, not that crowded, pretty low lift lines, lodge from what i ssaw wasnt that bad, the lot was pretty bad up at the main place, but i parked at the glen lodge, and it was empty there
  21. i dont know if i will cause im getting 10-16+ inches and its not ending till the evening
  22. skierboi


    ted ligety was skiing with mhssc when i was there, hes an amazing skier, and it will be awsome to race him
  23. heres a link to pictures from the race pictures im bib #112 adam is #81
  24. ive hook a tip in the last 6 of 8 slalom runs that ive done
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