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Fri-Sat Edit


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once again, not rotating 90 off of shit and landing 90 should not be on tape. they don't count.


huck shit fuck

ghetto gospel on every kids edit these days


... thanks for posting your vid. It was really awesome how everyone didn't land 90 and the songs weren't the same ones everyone else uses in there edits. Your stoke is greatly appreciated.

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New rule, until you (poop) are posting up your vids here, you can't be busting on other members vids who do. Fair warning...


Thats UN-AMERICAN, and your violating my rights that are explained in a little something called "THE BILL OF RIGHTS" which is part of another nice document called "THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION".


It's called THE FIRST AMENDMENT and goes a little something like this .


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


You cannot make a "NEW RULE" , if you think so your going against AMERICA and everything it STANDS for.

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Thats UN-AMERICAN, and your violating my rights that are explained in a little something called "THE BILL OF RIGHTS" which is part of another nice document called "THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION".


It's called THE FIRST AMENDMENT and goes a little something like this .


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


You cannot make a "NEW RULE" , if you think so your going against AMERICA and everything it STANDS for.


Only problem is....Glenn isn't a member of Congress.

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Bro you are a FUCKING MORON. My god, at least someone spelled it out for you nicely. But I won't.


The 1st amendment doesn't cover your stupid ranting on the internet. I mean I know you named yourself "poop" so how intelligent can you be, but federalism is a basic concept of America. If you are going to try and invoke your freedoms, at least understand them. How dare you tell US to get out of "your" country when you don't even understand your own government.


Here is the cliff notes version for when you weren't listening in school (or are you too young to have gotten to american history yet?)


The federal government can't do anything without consent from the people, as spelled out by the constitution. The 1st amendment says the federal government (Congress shall pass no law) to restrict bla bla


States added their own amendments that match the federal government, this is called incorporation, but it is not the consitution that protects you - until the equal protection clause changed all that in the 1870s - that is way above what you need to know. Bottom line, states you are protected too.


PASR is way below that, they are a private incorporated entity, meaning they can do what they want. This is why yacht clubs can exclude black people, places that are not for "public accommodation" (hotels and restaurants) can make rules as they see fit. The constitution doesn't cover you if a company says you have can't say things in their business. This is always why you don't have all your rights at school. So PASR can do whatever the hell they want. And since Glenn is an admin here - shut the fuck up.


I agree with you on the 90 degree landings aren't landing it - but it is a 3 day edit. Its not like he spent a season getting shots together. If mack dawg put out a movie with 90 landings all day i'd be mad, but its a bunch of friends having fun.


And as for the filming, some people just like to make movies as a hobby. When I used to film we would make movies, and we sucked, but it was 8 hours of fun on the hill and then bring it home and spend the night editing shots and then watch it, that was half the fun. We never released them but its a hobby. So yea if you put the camera away you get better, but its about you have fun unless you are trying to go pro.

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i fucking took american government jesus christ im older than you. dont fucking go looking shit up on google waisting your saturday night . yeah, i fucking hate 90 landings, but that wasnt a dicking off edit, it was a serious edit. i fuck off left and right and can honestly say i havent had a serious day on the hill in over four fucking years.


wow cool he's an admin, that doesnt mean he can tell me to not have a fucking opinion was the point. you know, the whole reason a message board exists. if they weren't for opinions they wouldn't exist.

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i fucking took american government jesus christ im older than you. dont fucking go looking shit up on google waisting your saturday night .


Oh wow you took american government? I'm so impressed. Especially since you forgot the basic tenant of it. Yea I googled that up? All of american government summarized in 3 sentences? Lets put it this way America to me is practically religion, and the constitution is my second set of commandments. Lets just skip over the 5 on the AP US Gov exam, thats cake. There is a reason I got on national TV, national radio, and public speaking experiences in high school for my command of US Gov policy. I'm sure it would bore you to tears, because once again, your name is poop for god sakes. I really believe I'm arguing with a guy named poop, but I am. So don't flatter yourself and think that I looked up ANYTHING to correct you with. But you sir, are an idiot, and I can't stand for such mis-information.


And if you really want to feel like an asshole, the reason I'm not out partying tonight is because my parents called me early this morning and I drove my all the way home because my grandfather got was taken on to the hospital and put on life support, and in all likely hood is going to die tonight so I'm sitting here trying to escape it. so fuck you and all the people in this country who lack any understanding of what this country is about, how it is run, and what the laws are. this is how it gets run into the ground, and if you ever want to find a place where it is run like shit, spend a day in a hospital

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In all fairness the kid should be able to bust on the video if he wants. The first thing you need to realize when you start editing a video is that not everyone is gonna agree with what you do. They'll hate on you song choice, your colors, your trick selection, the way people are dressed, pretty much everything and if your gonna post a video online pretty much anywhere, learn to take peoples comments either as constructive criticism or learn to ignore them, thats all you can do. A good example of this is every video on Transworld snowboarding gets busted on like crazy and you HAVE to have a good edit to get it up there , but its just b/c kids are dicks. In my opinion i think salty should put more effort into his edits and worry about quality over quantity. The skills are there but i think he needs to dedicate more time....

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no poop is a womens vaginal cleaner. He insulted over 4 people in this thread (So Far). And since when does snowboarding have to be all about how good you are, get over it everyone. If you snowboard for something other than having fun your not snowboarding at all.

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