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Bear Creek's Conditions/Setup


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yeah i hit them both. when i was there park crew hadnt worked on it yet and the lip was just a giant pile of snow. like i said i had to leave before they were done so i was just interested in how the lip turned out and how it held up


edit: nevermind i wasnt thinking, i didnt hit the urban down in its new spot, didnt spend much time in tubing today but 1 run.

Edited by Oakley21
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transition on the quarter pipe is way to tight...its gonna be alot less fun then i thought. Ive already seen 2 people go up come down and the transition is so tight it threw their boards out and they smacked their faces. I dunno how its gonna work out but.... Also the single barrel at the top of tubing is in a great spot and is at a good angle but i think it could be lower in the ground a little bit. Other then that park was still in pretty good shape. This week were gonna get SCREWED though. The base is realllllllyyyyy shitty in some spots like at the top of cascade and theres gonna be sever bare spots there real soon if this weather keeps up.

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i heard it took 4 and 1/2 hours to get that thing up there. i had to leave early today so i dont know how well they were able to fix the lip to the quarterpipe but it definetly looks like it will be a problem.

they fixed it and the snow was like level with the Q/P. i didint hit it after they fixed it but i know before they did it was soo messed up... i went up regular and came down switch and since it had that lip thing i just went right on my back and saw others do the same... but after they fixed it id have to say it was looking pretty spiffy.

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I want the double rainbow box out, i havent seen that in a year


That was the most retarded rail anyone ANYwhere has ever built. Im pretty sure at the end of the year they just had the goats piss and crap all over that piece of shit, then burned it and buried the ashes under the new hotel just so it could never ever resurrect its self back onto the mountain ever again....

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