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TR: 12/10/07


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Dicked around at work in the morning, then booted out of my apartment at 2:30, pulled in the lot shortly after 3pm. I booted up, and when I went to use the restroom, I saw this bright azz green jacket, and I knew that was Justin. So I waited for like 2 minutes until he got his pass taken, and then we took some runs. He needs some SERIOUS wax on his fckin skis. He was in a full tuck, and I was arcin my slalom skis like crazy, and he was a good 30 seconds behind. He lost him after about 7 runs with him. The snow was hero snow, for sure. The bumps were epic, I did some steezy lines down the bumps, and even threw in a little mad steezy air on the last bump with a little grab.


We later met up with PASR Groupie Stevo, who was cracked out as usual. He did some lazy and then a bump runs with us. He tried to do a cartwheel, but he got owned by his board. I left after 15 runs good for 12,000 vertical (not 16,230, which would be using 1082ft/run). Time to study...I think im going to go for the early morning session tomorrow w/ tickle-me-toast.


I'm a whole month ahead of my vertical from last year. Because of my injury, I didn't get 110k until 1/9/07. :rock

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I was there for a short session as well this afternoon and left around 4:30. I didn't see anyone from here up there, but I thought I heard Doug over near Raceway when I got off the lift. By the time I got over there whoever was there had already gone down Raceway.


The snow was soft and it drizzled on and off. By the time I left there was a light rain in the parking lot. My snowboard bindings will be finished being mounted tomorrow. I may head up tomorrow as well and get my snowboard lesson after picking up my board.


I did see a new black BMW in the upper lodge parking lot. Maybe that was you Jeff? It was parked on the left side when you pull in the driveway up near the lodge.

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Yeah, I need a serious waxing. I waxed my skis two Saturdays ago, I've been slacking. I'll get on that tomorrow. And yes I was in full tuck on Lazy Mile from pretty much top to bottom and did not catch up with them. Damn slow ass invaders.


But Jeff seemed to cover everything. Snow was some delicious slushy stuff from the rain. Park was actually a LOT better than last year for the opening week. They had 2 flat boxes, a butter box, trap box, rollercoaster box, flat down rail, flat-down-flat rain, and a rainbow rail. Not too circusy but plenty of stuff crammed in there to have fun on. No jumps though, there was a tiny one off the side of Lazy Mile as always.

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I was there for a short session as well this afternoon and left around 4:30. I didn't see anyone from here up there, but I thought I heard Doug over near Raceway when I got off the lift. By the time I got over there whoever was there had already gone down Raceway.


The snow was soft and it drizzled on and off. By the time I left there was a light rain in the parking lot. My snowboard bindings will be finished being mounted tomorrow. I may head up tomorrow as well and get my snowboard lesson after picking up my board.


I did see a new black BMW in the upper lodge parking lot. Maybe that was you Jeff? It was parked on the left side when you pull in the driveway up near the lodge.



Why do you need someone to mount your bindings.. A snowboard is not like ski's. If you can use a screwdriver then you can mount them yourself....

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I was there for a short session as well this afternoon and left around 4:30. I didn't see anyone from here up there, but I thought I heard Doug over near Raceway when I got off the lift. By the time I got over there whoever was there had already gone down Raceway.


The snow was soft and it drizzled on and off. By the time I left there was a light rain in the parking lot. My snowboard bindings will be finished being mounted tomorrow. I may head up tomorrow as well and get my snowboard lesson after picking up my board.


I did see a new black BMW in the upper lodge parking lot. Maybe that was you Jeff? It was parked on the left side when you pull in the driveway up near the lodge.

You can mount snowboard bindings in less than 5 minutes. Chances are that you will need to adjust the angle as well, so you might as well do it yourself.

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I was going to mount them myself, but the instructions that came with them were pretty vague. It was confusing as to what degree to set them at. Plus I didn't know if I should set them as regular or goofy. I figured I'll just take them somewhere and have them do it right the first time. I don't want to mount them and have them on wrong and have to worry about it when I get to the mountain. It was 15 bucks and I wasn't worried about it.

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You can mount snowboard bindings in less than 5 minutes. Chances are that you will need to adjust the angle as well, so you might as well do it yourself.




He's just starting so he's not going to notice a difference in angles that much. The shop will probably mount them at +15, 0. That seems to be a pretty standard angle for beginners.

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I wouldn't say shortest poles in the UNIVERSE. The fact that they are bent to shit makes them appear smaller. Your poles were huge and heavy, I would get cramps from holding them all day.P.S. If the girl who took my pass picture is on here, PM me your number please.

I was going to mount them myself, but the instructions that came with them were pretty vague. It was confusing as to what degree to set them at. Plus I didn't know if I should set them as regular or goofy. I figured I'll just take them somewhere and have them do it right the first time. I don't want to mount them and have them on wrong and have to worry about it when I get to the mountain. It was 15 bucks and I wasn't worried about it.
Make sure you get the goofy/regular thing straightened out. Have a friend push you from behind. Whichever foot you put out first to catch yourself should be the front foot on your board.Traditionally, right handed people tend to ride regular. Lefties tend to ride goofy. There are always exceptions though.
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haha yeah i'm just kidding. anyway... nobody from Blue is really on this site... some people lurk around but i dont think that includes anybody in the ticket office.

Well in that case, she was absolutely gorgeous. I felt like a doit because my debit card got declined and I had to use my moms. That pretty much ruined all chances of getting her number. :banghead

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