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12/27 great conditions, crappy weather


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Just a quick 2 hours trip to the hill this morning, surface conditions were awesome, soft but fast and well groomed.


The Stevenson quad was a little slow getting started which sucked a bit because I had chosen to start on that side, but a few runs off of the raceway triple and then I moved over to the main base area.


Rocket, Bic Poc', Nile and Pharoah were all great, margies was a little lumpy so I only did that once.


It was "raining" (more of a soft heavy drizzle) most of the time I was there so the crowds were zero, I didn't wait for a single lift.


I left early as this is the first day since Blues opening day that I've ridden without my kids and my legs were burning after 2 hours of continous "fast" riding, (it's all relative), and the rain was making it difficult to keep any kind of clear vision.


Funny thning happened on Pharoah just before I left, 3 guys on skis (late teens at a guess) were milling around at the top so I let them get a way ahead before I started my run, when I turned the first corner, all three of them were in the fence, poles and ski's all over the place :rolleyes: . To all those of you that don't like the fences at CB, this is why they are there, these three would have ended up dropping maybe 50ft down onto Little Ceaser. A quick check to make sure no one was hurt and I went on my way.


Weather aside, a great time. Very impressed at how the base is holding up under difficult conditions.

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Good to hear that the conditions i saw on Christmas held true. How was the gaper quotient?


well I was there.... :unsure:


Didn't seem too bad that early, lots of "crazy asians" on 12/26 and 12/24, not so many Thursday. I think the rain keep the gaper community in the lodge or at home, we'll see what it's like today (Friday).

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