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It seems to me that the "best" boots at the moment seem to be either 32's or Salomons depending on your foot shape. Does anyone recommend anywhere other than Nestors for the salomons, and can anyone from a local(ish) shop tell me what type and sizes they have in stock. I'm looking for a high end boot, either the F series, Malumutes or similar.


Also, anyone any experience with their "relay" binding? it looks like an interesting idea.



  Timeless said:
It seems to me that the "best" boots at the moment seem to be either 32's or Salomons depending on your foot shape. Does anyone recommend anywhere other than Nestors for the salomons, and can anyone from a local(ish) shop tell me what type and sizes they have in stock. I'm looking for a high end boot, either the F series, Malumutes or similar.


Also, anyone any experience with their "relay" binding? it looks like an interesting idea.



32s, just get em.

  Timeless said:
It seems to me that the "best" boots at the moment seem to be either 32's or Salomons depending on your foot shape. Does anyone recommend anywhere other than Nestors for the salomons, and can anyone from a local(ish) shop tell me what type and sizes they have in stock. I'm looking for a high end boot, either the F series, Malumutes or similar.


Also, anyone any experience with their "relay" binding? it looks like an interesting idea.




I've had 2 pairs of 32s, and i'm currently using salamon FDB boots. I love them. They're more comfortable than 32s, and have the uniliner thing, to reduce the footprint. 32s are nice, but they're too bulky for my liking anymore since i'm wearing 11.5s. Right now I have the salamon relay pro bindings. I love them. They are super responsive and built pretty solidly. The only downside is that the toe strap slides down every so often. The straps can go over your toes like burton capstraps, but i like wearing them up top, which is probably why they slide down.

  Stevo said:
I've had 2 pairs of 32s, and i'm currently using salamon FDB boots. I love them. They're more comfortable than 32s, and have the uniliner thing, to reduce the footprint. 32s are nice, but they're too bulky for my liking anymore since i'm wearing 11.5s. Right now I have the salamon relay pro bindings. I love them. They are super responsive and built pretty solidly. The only downside is that the toe strap slides down every so often. The straps can go over your toes like burton capstraps, but i like wearing them up top, which is probably why they slide down.




They claim to have done something about the strap slipping.


Do you know how the XLT or Thruster are different / better than the Pro?


Idk what salmons i have, i think f20's but they are 3 years old and they are in still good condition. They are the most comfortable boots i have ever worn. I feel like my foots in a bed of temper pedic.

Posted (edited)
  Timeless said:


They claim to have done something about the strap slipping.


Do you know how the XLT or Thruster are different / better than the Pro?



i really don't know the differences- i didn't research that much. They were such a pain to find, i just got what i could find. I got mine from the loft. In any case, any of the relay series should definitely be solid bindings.

edit: I had my boots heat molded at nestors (free of charge of course) and i love them.

Edited by Stevo

I have 32's now. Looking to get Salomon's next. 32's are just so big and bulky, i don't really find them any more comfortable then my Burton Hails i had previously.


I <3 my 32's. I really dont find them to be big and bulky. i definetly think my friends burtons and dc's are bulkier. proof is when we switch boards theyre bindings are too big.


Im heading out, but when i get home i'll take a picture of my 32's next to my hails, and my 32's are a 1/2 size smaller, and they are SOO much bigger.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thirty two's are real nice and comfy, i don't really like Salomon boots although i do love the scotty Arnold board. go with any pair of thirty two's it feels like memory foam inside


My salomon Maori's are sweet. After 100+ days the water proofing is starting to go and I need to seperate the lining at night so they dry out, other than that they are still in great shape. I wear them probably 6-8 hours every day right now, with no aches or pains. The lacing system salomon has is super awesome. I laced them yesterday with mittens on and they laced up just as well as anything else. Two lock off zones and actual laces, not boa chords to break.


I've never had a pair of 32's on my feet so I don't know how they compare.


I boot these boots at the loft, which is in your neighborhood.


I've put in 100+ days on Salomon Maoris as well, they where the first boot I owned, and I loved them. Switched over to K2 T1's after they where hopelessly packed out, the K2's fit great, very warm, super stiff, but are packing out faster than the salomon ones, I'm at about 60 - 70 days on the K2's and they are getting a bit loose. 32's are great boots, but they don't fit my foot at all. They are lighter than the salomons, but I think they will pack out faster which is a bad thing. The two are very different shapes, in fact the 32's are very uniquely shaped so people either love them or hate them. I appreciate their design, but for my foot I hate them. I get hung up less on this model vs that model, go try them on, find one that fits well and has the flex you want. 32's on the whole are less stiff than salomons. I have been a super-stiff boot fan for a few years, but my current boots are almost too stiff so next pair I'm getting are going to be more intermediately flexing.

Posted (edited)

So I went with the F20's from Nestors, would have liked to have tried out the F22's or Malumutes but they don't carry anything that "high end" apparently.


I also bought some salomon relay pro bindings at The Loft after a day with the new boots


Anyway, some thoughts after 3 days on the snow with them:


The "fitting" experience at Nestors was a bit of a let down, I didn't feel the staff really wanted to make sure they were as good as they could be, just a quick fit check and "they'll mold to your feet as you wear them" and off you go.... oh well, as long as they work out I guess this is fine.


So day 1 the boots feel really comfortable and incredibly light, the most noticeable thing was the big gaps around the sides in my technine bindings, there was nearly 1/2 inch clearance at the sides, I didn't think this was a good thing but tried it out anyway with a morning run at CB.


My only question mark at the moment is a certain "squeeze" around my calves, it feels like a band around the very top of the boot is too tight when turning, as the boot flexes, stood straight it feels fine. Maybe they just need to break in a little, it seems to be improving with more use.


So for day 2 I decide to check out the relay pro bindings, they should be a good match fit wise with the boots and I'm intrigued by the flexible heel cup idea.


These take a little getting used to, but they fit great with the boots, are very comfortable and after a few days they are starting to feel less "strange but good" and more just good. I may revert to the others for a day just to see how it feels now before I pass final judgement but overall I think I'm really liking the concept.


Strangely they have made the board feel like it has a longer tail, there seems to be more grip on both edges at the rear of the board. I don't know if this is just better transfer of my movement to the edges or what but it seem to be beneficial.

Edited by Timeless

good luck with those boots i bought a pair of the f20s in agust and the padding in the back of the heal is worn in (im waiting for my Malumutes to arrive in the mail...

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