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last blow?


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I went up to CB last night, apart from the fact that it was 'kin cold, did anyone else notice how different the base was, it seemed to have had a decent amount of new snow blown on it and then REALLY compacted. Very different to the surface at blue at the weekend which was nice and powdery :drool .


I wonder if they are aiming to stop blowing after this sustained session when they will get up to 100% open , then just see how long they can re-groom it until it wears out.

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I doubt that they will stop blowing. i think once they are completly open they are going to continue to resurface trails so that if their is another warm spell they will have a enough snow to last through till it gets cold agian, and if it does stay cold than the more snow they have will allow them to stay open longer in the end of the season.


as for the different surfaces tempatures have drasticly changed since the weekend, and right now cb doesnt care what the condition of their trails are they just want them all open. :)

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I doubt that they will stop blowing. i think once they are completly open they are going to continue to resurface trails so that if their is another warm spell they will have a enough snow to last through till it gets cold agian, and if it does stay cold than the more snow they have will allow them to stay open longer in the end of the season.


as for the different surfaces  tempatures have drasticly changed since the weekend, and right now cb doesnt care what the condition of their trails are they just want them all open. :)


exactly. as kmar said, blue was blowing for quantity before the warm spell. now that everything has been resurfaced, they're blowing QUALITY snow, and its great snow.

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I'm not too sure about that Bill. Camelback doesn't exactly have a great track record when it comes to staying open late in the season and blowing at all times possible. They seem to cater to the weekend new york crowd which stops coming in the early spring. Plus they have to get the snow out of the way to work on their precious water slides.


Anyways, they may resurface somethings, but I don't think they will be looking to add singificant base depth to any trails, unless they loose snow do to a warm spell then it gets cold again.

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why dont we all just go to blue if cb is so bad at running their mountian?


the ski family is very anti-blue for some reason. I can find reason to like camelback, and I can find reasons to dislike blue, but the reasons i like blue FAR outweigh the reasons i like camelback. skimom just has blinders on to the world. :ph34r:

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the ski family is very anti-blue for some reason.  I can find reason to like camelback, and I can find reasons to dislike blue, but the reasons i like blue FAR outweigh the reasons i like camelback.  skimom just has blinders on to the world.  :ph34r:



Well the home they own there is probobly a big reason to stay at CB. Also, like it or not, they are the weekend crowd to some degree. They come up everyweekend, and are not there every weekday. So they are going to enjoy more of what CB does for the weekend crowd than I will.

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Well the home they own there is probobly a big reason to stay at CB. Also, like it or not, they are the weekend crowd to some degree. They come up everyweekend, and are not there every weekday. So they are going to enjoy more of what CB does for the weekend crowd than I will.

You call me the weekend crowd again, and ill kill you :nono

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You call me the weekend crowd again, and ill kill you :nono



In 'Dude's state of mind, he never really leaves the snow. Ever see a mom trying to pry her kid out of a Chuck E Cheese? Even after she gets him out, he just doesn't wanna believe it.


Davek himself has said year after year that CB blows to open, then just does touch up's when absolutely necessary. We had asked him a few times when it was 10 degrees on some late January night why the guns were silent. And that was his answer.


But, IMO, there's a big difference skiing recycled, regroomed, oil-filled crap snow as opposed to fresh manmade. CB believes differently, though.

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When are you up there, you said yourself, on fridays, and weekends when I'm not at races. Thats the weekend to me. I'm certainly not saying your as igorant as the NY weekend crowd, but your aren't part of the daily crowd.

Hey @$$ hole :P (just kidding) But at this rate I will be skiing 4 or 5 times a week...Not all at CB, but you don't see no freaking weekenders doing that :blink:


(Fri night, sat, sunday at CB, Monday night at spring mt, wed night at BC) not too bad, considering I live in philly <_<

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the ski family is very anti-blue for some reason.  I can find reason to like camelback, and I can find reasons to dislike blue, but the reasons i like blue FAR outweigh the reasons i like camelback.  skimom just has blinders on to the world.  :ph34r:


No doubt CB would be improved if they were less rigid, but, I love their high speed quads. More importantly, we have friends at CB. We have no (adult) friends at Blue. If we changed mountains it would likely be for a better race program for Skidude. Thus far, he seems satisfied at CB. I prefer to avoid crowds and Iceman likes Elk - if Elk had a high-speed quad, we'd move there in a heartbeat.

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No doubt CB would be improved if they were less rigid, but, I love their high speed quads.  More importantly, we have friends at CB. We have no (adult) friends at Blue. If we changed mountains it would likely be for a better race program for Skidude. Thus far, he seems satisfied at CB.  I prefer to avoid crowds and Iceman likes Elk - if Elk had a high-speed quad, we'd move there in a heartbeat.


Let's see, you have adult friends here, high speed quads, and a top notch race program, plus no crowds. Seems like you should be moving HERE, not to Elk!!! :D

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Let's see, you have adult friends here, high speed quads, and a top notch race program, plus no crowds.  Seems like you should be moving HERE, not to Elk!!! :D


That's more of a dream for us at this point. The need to efficiently earn $ and the Mumlet's education still has priority. Unless we win the lottery, finding Icemen a job out there would be major.

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Hey @$$ hole :P  (just kidding) But at this rate I will be skiing 4 or 5 times a week...Not all at CB, but you don't see no freaking weekenders doing that :blink:


(Fri night, sat, sunday at CB, Monday night at spring mt, wed night at BC) not too bad, considering I live in philly <_<



Thats my point, on the weekends you are at CB. During the week elsewhere. Not trying to make fun of you at all, just saying you reap the benenfit of the weekender crowd preference that CB has moreso than someone who is there during the week and not at all on the weekends.

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the ski family is very anti-blue for some reason.  I can find reason to like camelback, and I can find reasons to dislike blue, but the reasons i like blue FAR outweigh the reasons i like camelback.  skimom just has blinders on to the world.  :ph34r:


I love Blue, but the area around it does not offer much. My ski home is between JF and BB because of the things the area offers. I find that CB although still a 30 min. drive is better than JF and BB and that Blue is just to far south.

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