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This will be an ongoing thread, more stuff will be posted when I have the time. Prices are low, but negotiable. I always throw in stuff with every order so buy some gear...


Academy Collective 148: slightly used/used. No major damage, just light scratching on base, edges need to be sharpened. $150



Analog Grapple Hoodie: Mens medium, brand new with tags. Same color as in picture. $25



Skullcandy Sticker Packs: silver or white, I believe they are 4 or 5 pieces per pack. $2.00 each or 5 for $7.00



Assorted Jackets: If you are interested in one particular, hit me up for details. Most are mens medium. Range from $50 to $85







More stuff coming soon..

  librider said:
I had that board last season and killed it I absolutly loved it though.


I might actually be really interested. Keep it for like a weekish for me?


Will do, no problem. PM me in a week if you still want it.


Any other offers on stuff?

  librider said:
I had that board last season and killed it I absolutly loved it though.


I might actually be really interested. Keep it for like a weekish for me?


Lib, still interested in that board?


Bump....I got more stuff, more jackets, promo, clothing, goggles, etc. Jackets are in almost new condition and super cheap...

  rastasquid said:
whats that green jacket, the first one in the first pic of jackets? Size? Brand? Price? thanks


The plaid one? If yeah, its a 08 Planet Earth jacket, size medium. Super warm and comfortable, basically brand new, I wore it twice last season. $85 shipped.


specifically XXL haha. if you dont mind me asking where did you get all this?


Dont think I have any xxl's, most of the pants I have are large. I have 4 Planet Earth ones i'd sell (black, white plaid, and 2 camo ones), and a random Volcom one too.

  RightEmpire said:
Bump......c'mon people, grab this stuff up for super cheap. Got a ton of Electric stuff for sale as well. Goggles, clothing, banners, stickers, etc. Let me know if you want pics.


  Dan- said:
Any EG .5's ?


Yeah, got a couple slightly used pairs. I'll try to snap some pics soon and put em up, been super busy lately.


  Oakley21 said:


Nah, just stuff from a year or so back before they started making EG.2's. Been getting Oakley shit for the past year...


Sorry, been super busy lately, i'll try to get some pics of the stuff people requested up today or this week.


As for gloves, I have a bunch of used/slightly used ones, and a pair of new 0809 Celtek outbreak spring gloves if anyones interested.

  romemadman said:
yea i am deffinitly interested in pipe gloves or goggles if tghey are the right price


Yeah, i'll get pics up of all my gloves once I get my camera to start working. Should be sometime this week. The only new ones I have right now are 08-09 Celtek Outbreak spring gloves, mens large.


  rastasquid said:
are all those jackets med.? im still considering that planet earth jacket

Yep, all 3 PE jackets are mens medium. PM me if interested in buying.

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