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I had thought about a trip to blue, but the weather wasn't didn't look good. So I said if it was nice when I left work I'd try boulder.


Left work at 540 got to boulder at 615 was booted up and on the slope at 630. The snow was applesauce/snowconey. It was overcast, but the rain held off until about 730. I skied till 745 for a total of 10 runs. There was no one there and I was able to rip some nice slushy-8s down the trails. Lots of yummy cord. I took a run down pretty much everything. It was fun and I can see why people like it for park.


I have to say there was a LOT of snow on some of the trails. 15+ in spots... they will be skiing for a while.


I have to say that this mountain knows what it is doing from a PR standpoint. Marketing the mountain as a park is very smart. As a pure ski mountain it is pretty small the runs were nice, but short. Making the runs into park was smart. Given how much it is talked up as a park I was expecting a bit more... there were a good number of features and some HUGE JUMPS, but I wasn't totally blown away.

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