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So the past couple days i've been trying to make some sort of plan of attack for the winter season. I'm not sure how much of a plan this really is, but you'll probably get the gist of things.



-Relocate the NEW AND IMPROVED Planet rails and boxes


-Play with my super cool new stencils


-Finish signage, benches, trash cans and other misc. stuff


-Build some "natural" type features. (watch out on cbkactionsports.com for your chance to choose what i build)


-Refurbish some oldies but goodies. Look out for the throwback rails!!


-Measure the halfpipe (we learned some sweet pipe cutting tricks at Cutter's Camp...)


-Recycle some rusty beat up junk by turning it into shreddable, fun junk...


-Wear my pajamas inside out every day until it gets cold enough to make snow (it helps i promise)


P-Architect, maybe you can give us some insight on this, but last year Camelback had some great early season snowmaking and we believe could have easily opened lift serviced for the weekend after T-Day. However, they only opened a hike park. What was the logic behind this? I'm pretty sure turnout woulda been pretty good over the 3 day weekend. Was there not enough staff? Whats the deal?


Last Thanksgiving's snowmaking window was great. Our snowmaking goal was to use the window as efficiently as possible and opening the weekend after T-Day would have limited the amount of snow we could make across the entire resort. We did open a small terrain park on the tubing hill, not necessarily a hike park since the magic carpet was running the entire time. It was a great turnout and hopefully we'll be able to start the season off with a bang again.

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