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President's Day @ Blue


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Another great weekday morning at Blue. i got up there for opening at 8 at the top lodge and there weren't many cars there at all. it was similar to a regular weekday morning. grooming was awesome. snow was awesome. weather was awesome. the sun was out. about 25 degrees or so for more of the morning. 24 when i pulled in and 28 when i left. i spent about 2 hours up there until it started getting crowded around 10. short lift lines (<2minutes) but longer than i wanted to wait on a weekday morning after getting a handful of great runs in before that. run of the day was nightmare bumps - dreamweaver - lower paradise - homestretch. also noticed that they re-bumped up challenge and put in some kickers in the middle of the moguls to practice course set-up for the comp. looks really great and they are doing a great job up there this year. again, no complaints as today was what some people like to call, JADIP.










see you all tomorrow morning.

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