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Seriously, WTF is with this Weather?

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Leaves are changing up by bear creek, it sure as hell looks like fall out there.

Lots of mountain peaks in the NE were white this morning. Reports of natural snowfall at the top of many of the peaks along the Green Mountain and White Mountain spines. Looks like some parts of the Adirondacks and Mahoosucs also. Killington fired up the guns for show last night. It won't be long now!!!

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Lots of mountain peaks in the NE were white this morning. Reports of natural snowfall at the top of many of the peaks along the Green Mountain and White Mountain spines. Looks like some parts of the Adirondacks and Mahoosucs also. Killington fired up the guns for show last night. It won't be long now!!!


Yep that's what I heard. Was talking to a guy on NS that was headed up to Magic for the volunteer weekend and taking his touring gear. Heard some kids over there also reporting snow on whiteface this morning too. I hope winter slams us early, it would be a nice recovery from last seasons terrible numbers. Much more of this shit and I'm packing up and heading for Alaska, at least you can ski up there year round, gotta carry a twelve gauge when touring but hey gotta do what ya gotta do.

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Killington made some snow, and got some natural. http://www.killington.com/winter/mountain/conditions


Drum roll please…Killington Resort received the first snowfall of the 2012-13 winter season! Can it possibly get any better? It sure can, the low temperatures have allowed our snowmakers to test our snowmaking system.
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Not everyone can mooch off their fellow apartment dwellers for residual heat. Heat just kicked on in our house for the first time this fall.


being on the third and fourth floor of a mid-block center city walkup has its advantages. Just took one of the window units out over the weekend and probably won't need to turn the heat on for about another month, at least. Utility bill pretty much gets cut in half during the winter.

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