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Seriously, WTF is with this Weather?

Ride Delaware ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Summer Solstice... Countdown to winter is already here!!! Days are shorter and the nights are getting long... Summoning my inner Grilled Steeze and my Canadian rock gods Rush for that... But seriously, top of K-Mart and Mansfield had frost last night...

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What is steal your fest? Ski season is right around the corner then down a long hallway..down four flights of steps and down another corner.

Sibhusky they sell special blackout shades...most Vegas hotels have them..

It's all downhill from here... 4 months and K will be making snow... I'm planning another early November trip if the weather cooperates...
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  • 1 month later...

62 deg and very low humidity this morning....air felt clean and crisp! i know it's the middle of summer, but i'll take this brief moment of relief. :cheers:

Unfortunately, it's still hovering about 70 and humid down here, but high temps seem to have mellowed into the mid 80s. I don't have the scientific data to prove it, but I don't think this summer has been as hot as the past two.


The days have been getting shorter since June 21, scientifically speaking, the northern hemisphere started cooling July 21, and in just a short month, our northern brethren will begin reporting leaf changing.


In 3 months K-Mart and SR will start monitoring the whether to see who will be first to blow and first to open, the annual battle of how much terrain and vertical drop is necessary to claim yourself as open will begin, and all of us skiers and riders will be the beneficiaries. It never comes soon enough for me.

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Unfortunately, it's still hovering about 70 and humid down here, but high temps seem to have mellowed into the mid 80s. I don't have the scientific data to prove it, but I don't think this summer has been as hot as the past two.


The days have been getting shorter since June 21, scientifically speaking, the northern hemisphere started cooling July 21, and in just a short month, our northern brethren will begin reporting leaf changing.


In 3 months K-Mart and SR will start monitoring the whether to see who will be first to blow and first to open, the annual battle of how much terrain and vertical drop is necessary to claim yourself as open will begin, and all of us skiers and riders will be the beneficiaries. It never comes soon enough for me.

If you're back in slower Delaware then yeah the temp hovered around 70 but with the wind it felt a little chilly. Especially by the water

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If you're back in slower Delaware then yeah the temp hovered around 70 but with the wind it felt a little chilly. Especially by the water

I'm back in the 302. Yesterday was supposed to get up to 80, but it never got close. Hovered around the low 70s all day and was definitely a little chilly with the wind. I love cold weather, but I wasn't prepared for fall so soon.
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Wow low 70s I hope you didn't wear cotton or you could get hypothermia

We weren't going in the water. It was relatively low humidity and there was little sweating. Dry cotton insulates relatively well. I hope I was wearing cotton. Wait, I was wearing cotton.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Found this on SkiMRV:




Not sure who weather advance is, or if they are even remotely reliable, but the forecast looks sweet. I'm just hoping for an average winter.

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10 Day forecast continues to look pretty mellow. Temperatures on the eastern seaboard continue to be several degrees cooler than their historical averages. Weather has been relatively wet. If it keeps this up, we could be looking at another good start to winter. Snowfall didn't kick up until right before Christmas last year, but it was a good snowmaking year up to that point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not quite used to seeing reports this early, but saw several pictures from central and north Vermont of select leaves beginning to change. Leaf watchers up there say it's the earliest they've seen in years.

There you go with the leaves ;)


This week looks amazing. Lows in the 40s and 50s on the mountain. Highs in the 70s and sunny. Nice fall weather. Had the windows closed the past few nights cause its been chilly. Definitely starting to jones. I should really start thinking about what the hell I'm doing this year since teaching may not be in the cards for me this season.

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It's something slightly related to the ski season in that it means it's getting closer and the weather is getting cooler. Don't worry, I'm not freaking out about there not being any good snowmaking weather yet.


Didn't know you instructed, but I guess most of PCs reports allude to you guys instructing, so I guess that makes sense. I haven't had the best luck in getting up with the patrol director at the Bush to get my volunteer status solidified, so I guess I need to work on that too.


Funny you guys closed the windows because it was too chilly. This is the first time we have opened the windows in two months because the low has hovered around 70 and humid each night. It was definitely brisk this morning, and felt great!!!

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Didn't know you instructed, but I guess most of PCs reports allude to you guys instructing, so I guess that makes sense. I haven't had the best luck in getting up with the patrol director at the Bush to get my volunteer status solidified, so I guess I need to work on that


Been teaching for 4 years. Just not feeling it this year. I have a feeling time will be limited with 3 kids running around the house. So when I do have time I want to make the most of it.


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Yeah, all in all, I'll take a rainy spring, a few weeks of hot and the current conditions. A little more heat next week, but August is half in the bag and Fall is 4 weeks away. Was up in VT last month and it was sub 50 a few nites up there, even had a few fires going inside at nite. Mrs. Moe was treated to roasted marshmellows and hotdogs over the outside firepit and claims its the best tasting dog she ever had. She's still got a lot of catching up to do with the great outdoors.


West Virginia was the EC first turns of the season the last 2 years.





Edited by moe ghoul
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