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Don't they check for abandoned cars at night? Or at least I would lol

Don't park until much later in the evening if parking at a resort. Get up early and move the car into an awesome front row spot. If I have any doubt, I have a sign I post up saying starter is shot.


I've heard the best places to car camp are either at a hiking trailhead or in a hotel parking lot between other parked cars. The summer after I graduated from college I visited Burlington VT for 5 days and 2 nights I had nowhere to stay and didn't want to pay $100 for a hotel room so I slept in my old nissan sentra..was pretty uncomfortable but I didn't have a sleeping bag..


i slept in a few hotel parking lots. you see the sketchiest people around 2-4 am. its a little scary honestly cause its just you in this car with the windows cracked hiding under a blanket.


I'm over it now... I had a temporary lapse and I created this post... I'm sure I will get all fidgety again when it gets cold again... And then warms up again before the season starts...


I'm used to having a WROD in october and almost 100% by the end of november in CO and im not bitching :D


Seriously though, do some other shit. I ride my bike a lot...keeps me pretty content in the off-season. Distractions are key, it'll be ski season before you know it


you have to keep the window cracked so you don't suffocate? Are you allowed to drink beers in your car if you aren't driving...do you guys mind taking shits in the middle of a snowbank in the middle of the night or have the Moe Ghouls of the world rigged up their own toilets? What about frozen ski boots? I guess you could figure out a way to plug the boot dryers into a cigarette lighter.


Window cracking, just a sliver is good for air flow. I do all my drinking in the pub, drain the vain and drop kids at the pool if need be before I crash. Generally speaking, once I park, I go to sleep. Everything is organized and dried for the next day already. Boots go on the back heater vents in the AM, which are conveniently elevated seat high for easy hands free warming. Boot dryer? No prob. See pic below.




you got it going on there moe - what's cookin in the crockette? :rofl you should flip your t for better air flow to your right boot :blink:


Actually, that was just a pic I took after I set things up.But Ive done soups n stews in the crock a few times. Cooking is largely weather dependent and location dependent. I bring plenty of stuff I can eat cold as back up.


I can't imagine sleeping in my car in a parking lot. I love the outdoors but camping in my car during the winter is crazy. College or not I would be eaten alive out there :no


You won't sleep in a Holiday Inn Express, let alone the backseat of your car :nana

You won't sleep in a Holiday Inn Express, let alone the backseat of your car


Ha...that's pretty funny but true. I just stay home if I am not comfortable with the lodging. No big deal... :wiggle


If I can't afford to stay I don't get to play... :rofl


Affordability is secondary and not an issue. It's a choice, it adds a little more adventure to the trip, hones some skills and if the snow is falling elsewhere yer already packed, checked out and pulling the ripcord to the next destination.


Oh, and this weather SUX!!!!!!!! Whole point of the thread. :tinfoil:


my friend graduated college. 6 months grace period then he has to start paying 600/month back the school loans. and cant find a job...

sleeping in whaaaa?


You go to college to get a job that pays you the money to be able to afford to never have to sleep in your car and live a better life, so yes, he was very close.



No, you go to college to even be able to compete in todays job market since "college" is absolutely necessary in any professional field.


You can make plenty of money without a degree. What are your benefits to having a room? You can cuddle with doug because it'd be hard to do in the backseat of a car? Your tied down to one area, and it's much cheaper to sleep in your car. Thats money for booze, gear, gas, lift tickets you could use later in the season. Your whole opinion is skewed. Not everyone needs all of those little luxuries that you claim you need.


I don't want to get into people's personal lives and decisions but a great example of going to college and bumming it afterwards would be doug wouldn't it? College degree making shit money and living with a few room mates....


No, you go to college to even be able to compete in todays job market since "college" is absolutely necessary in any professional field.


You can make plenty of money without a degree. What are your benefits to having a room? You can cuddle with doug because it'd be hard to do in the backseat of a car? Your tied down to one area, and it's much cheaper to sleep in your car. Thats money for booze, gear, gas, lift tickets you could use later in the season. Your whole opinion is skewed. Not everyone needs all of those little luxuries that you claim you need.


I don't want to get into people's personal lives and decisions but a great example of going to college and bumming it afterwards would be doug wouldn't it? College degree making shit money and living with a few room mates....

pretty much hit the nail on the head.


No, you go to college to even be able to compete in todays job market since "college" is absolutely necessary in

You can make plenty of money without a degree.




OK...back to the thread.




OK...back to the thread.


you know, you REALLY need to get whatever elitist bullshit properly educated mommy/daddy paying piece of shit out of your ass and stop trying to put people down just because of the choices they make in life. there are an infinite number of ways one can live a life...

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