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Whats everyone up 2?

I sit here for 9 hours a day on these forums. Whos stoked for ski season? Props to everyone for visiting Boulder the other day. Let's all THINKSNOW and get ready for a brutal ski season. Can't wait to ski BLUE and get as much skiing in December as possible. Then I will be in Germany for a month to ski the alps! Major Stoke! Anyways hope to see everyone on Sunday for the NOT SO UNOFFICIAL PASR PRESEASON DAY AT CAMELBACK (PENDING OPENING) Although the website no longer states opening on Saturday :( If not I'm down for a trip!

Edited by Switchsideskier.
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Whats everyone up 2?

I sit here for 9 hours a day on these forums. Whos stoked for ski season? Props to everyone for visiting Boulder the other day. Let's all THINKSNOW and get ready for a brutal ski season. Can't wait to ski BLUE and get as much skiing in December as possible. Then I will be in Germany for a month to ski the alps! Major Stoke! Anyways hope to see everyone on Sunday for the NOT SO UNOFFICIAL PASR PRESEASON DAY AT CAMELBACK (PENDING OPENING) Although the website no longer states opening on Saturday :( If not I'm down for a trip!

you still considering coming to Jackson with us? Word on the street is they have gotten a few inches of snow already.

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How many people do you put on hold because you're trying to finish up reading/writing a post?


I'm a very good multi-tasker and I usually have other projects I'm working on when on here.


you still considering coming to Jackson with us? Word on the street is they have gotten a few inches of snow already.


What week are you guys going?




9 hours a day on these forums...there isn't enough content for that but lately I seem to check at least once or twice an hour and buzz through the threads and make responses within a minute or three. I also look at facebook alot..some people on there I'd prefer they just be my facebook friends..and I don't wanna see them in real life. I recently unfriended a bunch of people and got rid of most of my relatives cause they didn't understand most of my comments. I think I just like to type my thoughts and experiences..that's why I often write detailed ski TRs...I've always kept some sort of a ski journal or database so PASR is good for that.


As for this ski season..my one day at Killington was over 3 weeks ago..it was kind of surreal but the important thing is I still know how to ski. Actually I think of myself as an extreme type skier..I got major air off the side of the trail 50 feet into my first run of the season..back in the day I'd get air everywhere I could....the jumps now are so freaking big though that I usually only hit the smaller ones and you always have to land sideways cause of craters and shit..park crue whatcha gonna do..you have a rake but your sitting in the woods getting stoned and listening to Drake..lol..


I can't wait to battlerap people on the lift this season..some of the crispiest raps I've ever spit have been on the six pack..




LOL..I usually just keep people on hold until I finish my facebook chat or paragraph on forums..


Well, I like to read a lot of the old forums on here. Most of them are funny.


I usually rap to skiers on lower paradise when the lift goes over they stare up at me and wind up crashing into someone else pretty funny.

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Feb 5-11. I got a room with 2 beds if you need a place to crash.


Sweet! I would be able to make it cause I will be back from Germany in time. How much do you think total I would need $ wise . Just trying to figure out my financial situation right now lol

Edited by Switchsideskier.
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Sweet! I would be able to make it cause I will be back from Germany in time. How much do you think total I would need $ wise . Just trying to figure out my financial situation right now lol

Whatever your airfare and lift tickets are. Just buy me some beers or whatever when you're out.

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9 hours a day on this site? and i thought doug had no life. wow. you take the cake.


Lol well, I check the site every 15 minutes cause I love the posts haha


Whatever your airfare and lift tickets are. Just buy me some beers or whatever when you're out.


That sounds good! I most likely will score a free plane ticket hopefully lol, gonna check with work tomorrow and I will get back to you guys! Would be a lot of fun!

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I had your job at one point. Yeah, it sucks sitting in a cube all day with nothing to do but wait for the phone to ring.


LOL. Not really as bad now that I'm here 2 years. I have a lot of busy work, and my cube is now a rectangle :P lol but ya, you had that job and look where you are today :)

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Switchside...which 5 people would you consider to be the best posters on here?




I Always enjoy your threads they are very detailed and always entertaining.

Roots are always very informative as well.

I always try to participate in every discussion and feel my points and posts are pretty good.

I know everyone hates Shadows but he entertains me.

I miss Sensi :(

Jeff always posts awesome pics..And Dime is informative as well

Robert 2's posts are just always hilarious, however I think he disappeared off the face of the earth, or is on paskiandride.org since this is not a family friendly page :P

First grade teacher is a troll


Idk I don't want to offend one lol I like everyone on here, everyone's mad chill I'm just stating who's threads I most enjoy.

Edited by Switchsideskier.
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LOL...you've got it wrong. I don't think anyone hates shadows here...he's a nice guy and fun to ski with. Just....a bit shady :)


lol I was gonna say I hope nobody hates him, seems like some people do...I worked with him and known him for a few years and hes pretty chill.

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